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Course Detail

Course Name Career Competency-I*
Course Code 23HU601
Program M. Tech. Nanobiotechnology(NBT)
Semester 1
Credits P/F
Campus Kochi


Soft Skills

Introduction to ‘campus to corporate transition’:

Communication and listening skills: communication process, barriers to communication, verbal and non-verbal communications, elements of effective communication, listening skills, empathetic listening, role of perception in communication.

Assertiveness skills: the concept, assertiveness and self-esteem, advantages of being assertive, assertiveness and organizational effectiveness.

Self-perception and self-confidence: locus of control (internal v/s external), person perception, social perception, attribution theories-self presentation and impression management, the concept of self and self-confidence, how to develop self-confidence.

Goal setting: the concept, personal values and personal goals, goal setting theory, six areas of goal setting, process of goal setting: SMART goals, how to set personal goals

Time management: the value of time, setting goals/ planning and prioritizing, check the time killing habits, procrastination, tools for time management, rules for time management, strategies for effective time management

Presentation skills: the process of presentation, adult learning principles, preparation and planning, practice, delivery, effective use of voice and body language, effective use of audio visual aids, dos and don’ts of effective presentation

Public speaking-an art, language fluency, the domain expertise (Business GK, Current affairs), self-confidence, the audience, learning principles, body language, energy level and conviction, student presentations in teams of five with debriefing


Vocabulary: Familiarize students with the etymology of words, help them realize the relevance of word analysis and enable them to answer synonym and antonym questions. Create an awareness about the frequently misspelt words, commonly confused words and wrong form of words in English.

Grammar: Train students to understand the nuances of English Grammar and thereby enable them to spot grammatical errors and punctuation errors in sentences.

Reasoning: Stress the importance of understanding the relationship between words through analogy questions and learn logical reasoning through syllogism questions. Emphasize the importance of avoiding the gap (assumption) in arguments/ statements/ communication.

Oral Communication Skills: Aid students in using the gift of the gab to improve their debating skills.

Writing Skills: Introduce formal written communication and keep the students informed about the etiquettes of email writing. Make students practise writing emails especially composing job application emails.


Numbers: Types, Power Cycles, Divisibility, Prime, Factors & Multiples, HCF & LCM, Surds, Indices, Square roots, Cube Roots and Simplification.

Percentage: Basics, Profit, Loss & Discount, and Simple & Compound Interest. 

Ratio, Proportion & Variation: Basics, Alligations, Mixtures, and Partnership.

Averages: Basics, and Weighted Average.

Time and Work: Basics, Pipes & Cistern, and Work Equivalence. 

Time, Speed and Distance: Basics, Average Speed, Relative Speed, Boats & Streams, Races and Circular tracks.

Statistics: Mean, Median, Mode, Range, Variance, Quartile Deviation and Standard Deviation.

Data Interpretation: Tables, Bar Diagrams, Line Graphs, Pie Charts, Caselets, Mixed Varieties, and other forms of data representation.

Equations: Basics, Linear, Quadratic, Equations of Higher Degree and Problems on ages.

Logarithms, Inequalities and Modulus: Basics

Objectives and Outcomes

Pre-requisite: An open mind and the urge for self-development, basic English language skills and knowledge of high school level arithmetic.

Course Objectives:

  • Help students transit from campus to corporate and enhance their soft skills
  • Enable students to understand the importance of goal setting and time management skills
  • Support them in developing their problem solving and reasoning skills
  • Inspire students to enhance their diction, grammar and verbal reasoning skills

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Soft Skills – To develop positive mindset, communicate professionally, manage time effectively and set personal goals and achieve them.

CO2: Soft Skills – To make formal and informal presentations with self-confidence.

CO3: Aptitude – To analyze, understand and employ the most suitable methods to solve questions on arithmetic and algebra.

CO4: Aptitude – To analyze, understand and apply suitable techniques to solve questions on logical reasoning and data analysis.

C05: Verbal – To infer the meaning of words and use them in the right context. To have a better understanding of the nuances of English grammar and become capable of applying them effectively.

C06: Verbal – To identify the relationship between words using reasoning skills. To understand and analyze arguments and use inductive/deductive reasoning to arrive at conclusions and communicate ideas/perspectives convincingly.

CO-PO Mapping 


















Evaluation Pattern




Continuous Assessment (CA)*– Soft Skills 



Continuous Assessment (CA)*– Aptitude 



Continuous Assessment (CA)*– Verbal 






Pass / Fail 

 *CA – Can bepresentations, speaking activities andtests. 

Text Books / References

Soft Skills

Communication and listening skills:

  • Andrew J DuRbin , “Applied Psychology: Individual and organizational effectiveness”, Pearson- Merril Prentice Hall, 2004
  • Michael G Aamodt, “An Applied Approach, 6th edition”, Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2010

Assertiveness skills:

  • Robert Bolton, Dorothy Grover Bolton, “People Style at Work..and Beyond: Making Bad Relationships Good and Good”, Ridge Associates Inc., 2009
  • John Hayes “Interpersonal skills at work”, Routledge, 2003
  • Nord, W. R., Brief, A. P., Atieh, J. M., & Doherty, E. M., “Meanings of occupational work: A collection of essays (pp. 21- 64)”, Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1990

Self-perception and self-confidence:

  • Mark J Martinko, “Attribution theory: an organizational perspective”, St. Lucie, 1995
  • Miles Hewstone, “Attribution Theory: Social and Functional Extensions”, Blackwell, 1983

Time management:

  • Stephen Covey, “The habits of highly effective people”, Free press Revised edition, 2004
  • Kenneth H Blanchard , “The 25 Best Time Management Tools & Techniques: How to Get More Done Without Driving Yourself Crazy” , Peak Performance Press, 1st edition 2005
  • Kenneth H. Blanchard and Spencer Johnson, “The One Minute Manager” , William Morrow, 1984


  • Erica Meltzer, “The Ultimate Guide to SAT Grammar”
  • Green, Sharon, and Ira K. Wolf, “Barron’s New GRE”, Barron’s Educational Series, 2011
  • Jeff Kolby, Scott Thornburg & Kathleen Pierce, “Nova’s GRE Prep Course”
  • Kaplan, “Kaplan New GRE Premier”, 2011-2012
  • Kaplan’s GRE Comprehensive Programme
  • Lewis Norman, “Word Power Made Easy”, Goyal Publishers, Reprint edition, 1 June 2011
  • Manhattan Prep, “GRE Verbal Strategies Effective Strategies Practice from 99th Percentile Instructors”
  • Pearson- “A Complete Manual for CAT”, 2013
  • R.S. Aggarwal, “A Modern Approach to Verbal Reasoning”
  • S. Upendran, “Know Your English”, Universities Press (India) Limited, 2015
  • Sharon Weiner Green, Ira K. Wolf, “Barron’s New GRE, 19th edition (Barron’s GRE)”, 2019
  • Wren & Martin, “English Grammar & Composition”


  • Arun Sharma, “How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT Common Admission Test”, Tata Mc Graw Hills, 5th Edition , 2012
  • Arun Sharma, “How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for the CAT Common Admission Test”, Tata Mc Graw Hills, 2nd Edition, 2014
  • Arun Sharma, “How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for the CAT Common Admission Test”, Tata Mc Graw Hills, 3nd Edition, 2015
  • S. Aggarwal, “Quantitative Aptitude For Competitive Examinations”, S. Chand Publishing, 2015
  • S. Aggarwal, “A Modern Approach To Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning”, S. Chand Publishing, Revised -2015
  • Sarvesh Verma, “Quantitative Aptitude-Quantum CAT” , Arihant Publications, 2016

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