Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Physics of Fluids
Source : Physics of Fluids 36, no. 8 (2024)
Url :
Campus : Bengaluru
School : School of Engineering
Department : Mathematics
Year : 2024
Abstract : In this study, we consider a hyperbolic system of quasi-linear partial differential equations, governed by the traffic flow model on two lanes. We employ symmetry analysis and establish one-dimensional optimal subalgebras. Subsequently, we reduce the model into a system of ordinary differential equations for each optimal subalgebra and construct some new exact solutions; some of them are presented graphically. Further, by imposing the traveling wave transformation, we derive solutions including peakon-type solitons and upward parabola solitons. Furthermore, we demonstrate the existence of the nonlinear self-adjointness property of the model and formulate conservation laws. Finally, we discussed the evolutionary behavior of C 1-waves, characteristic shock, and their interactions through one of the obtained exact solutions.
Cite this Research Publication : Shagolshem, Sumanta, B. Bira, and K. V. Nagaraja. "Exact solutions, conservation laws, and shock wave propagation of two-lanes traffic flow model via Lie symmetry." Physics of Fluids 36, no. 8 (2024).Impact Factor: 4.1