Unit I
Basics of nanophotonics (8 Lectures)
Review of Electrodynamics, light-matter interactions, Photons and electrons: similarities and differences, free-space propagation, Confinement of photons and electrons. Localization under a periodic potential: Bandgap, Cooperative effects. Nanoscale optical interactions, Nanoscale confinement of electronic interactions.
Unit II
Near-field optics and microscopy (5 Lectures)
Concepts and devices in nanoscale optics and photonics. Nano-scale and near-field optics, near-field optical probes, near-field scanning optical microscopy, transmission through nanoscale apertures.
Unit III
Lasers and quantum lasers (6 Lectures)
Solid-state lasers and gas lasers, Quantum materials, Quantum confined structures as lasing media, nanolasers, Quantum Cascade Lasers.
Unit IV
Plasmonics (6 Lectures)
Metallic Nanoparticles and Nanorods, Local field enhancement, Subwavelength aperture plasmonics, Plasmonic wave guiding, Applications of metallic nanostructures.
Unit V
Photonic crystals (5 Lectures)
Basic concepts, Features of Photonic crystals, Photonic crystals (0D, 1D, 2D & 3D), silicon, graphene and diamond photonics.
Objectives and Outcomes
Pre-requisites: Basic math, physics and chemistry
Total number of classes: 30
Course Outcomes:
- Understand how the light-matter interactions are depends on particle size (bulk to nanoscale)
- Be familiar with Near-field optics and localized surface plasmons
- Understand the use of photonic crystals as a waveguides
- Learn optical metamaterials and its application in imaging the objects.
- Comprehend the working of nanolasers and Quantum cascade lasers.