S.No. | List of Experiments |
1. | Instrumentation techniques – Brookfield Viscometer, Abbe’s Refractometer, pH meter,
Colorimeter, Spectrophotometer and chromatography-principle and working. |
2. | Determination of Moisture content using hot air oven drying technique |
3. | Qualitative analysis of Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats and Oils in given food samples |
4. | Estimation of Total Sugars using Anthrone Method |
5. | Determination of reducing sugars using Dinitrosalicylic acid (DNSA) Method |
6. | Estimation of Dietary Fiber using AOAC Method |
7. | Estimation of Proteins using Biuret / Lowry method |
8. | Determination of Amino acids by Sorensen’s Formal Titration |
9. | Determination of Crude Fat using soxhlet extraction method |
10. | Determination of Total ash content using dry ashing and wet ashing methods |
11. | Estimation of Minerals- Calcium, Phosphorus and Iron in the food samples using
Spectrophotometric Methods |
12. | Estimation of Vitamins- Vitamin A and Vitamin C and in the food samples using
Spectrophotometric and Dichloroindophenol Titrimetric Methods |
13. | Determination of Phytochemicals – Phytates, Oxalates and Tannins using AOAC Methods |
14. | Estimation of total antioxidants using FRAP (ferric reducing-antioxidant power) assay-
Spectrophotometric Technique. |