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Course Detail

Course Name Workplace Mental Health
Course Code 23SWK231
Program B.Sc. (Hons) Food Science and Nutrition (4 Year)
Credits 2
Campus Coimbatore


Unit I

Mental Health – concepts, definition, Bio-psycho-social model of mental health. Mental health and mental illness, characteristics of a mentally healthy individual, Signs and symptoms of mental health issues, presentation of a mentally ill person. Work place – definition, concept, prevalence of mental health issues in the work place, why invest in workplace mental health, relationship between mental health and productivity, organizational culture and mental health. Case Study, Activity.

Unit II

Mental Health Issues in the Workplace: Emotions, Common emotions at the workplace, Mental Health issues – Anger, Anxiety, Stress & Burnout, Depression, Addictions – Substance and Behavioural, Psychotic Disorders – Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, Personality disorders. Crisis Situations – Suicidal behavior, panic attacks, reactions to traumatic events. Stigma and exclusion of affected employees. Other issues –work-life balance, Presenteeism, Harassment, Bullying, Mobbing. Mental Health First Aid – Meaning. Case Study, Activity.

Unit III

Strategies of Help and Care: Positive impact of work on health, Characteristics of mentally healthy workplace, Employee and employer obligations, Promoting mental health and well being- corporate social responsibility (CSR), an inclusive work environment, Training and awareness raising, managing performance, inclusive recruitment, Supporting individuals-talking about mental health, making reasonable adjustments, Resources and support for employees – Employee Assistance Programme / Provider (EAP), in house counsellor, medical practitioners, online resources and telephone support, 24 hour crisis support, assistance for colleagues and care givers, Legislations. Case Study, Activity.

Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern



End Semester

Periodical 1 (P1)


Periodical 2 (P2)


*Continuous Assessment (CA)


End Semester


*CA – Can be Quizzes, Assignment, Projects, and Reports.

Text Books / References


  1. American Psychiatric “Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-IV 4th ed.”
  2. American Psychiatric (2000)
  3. Canadian Mental Health Association, Ontario “Workplace mental health promotion, A how to guide”
  4. Alberta Health Services Mental Health (2012). Minding the Workplace: Tips for employees and managers together. Calgary: Alberta Health Services.http:// managers- together.pdf
  5. Government of Western Australia, Mental Health (2014) “Supporting good mental health in the work place.”
  6. MentalHealthAct1987(India)
  7. Persons with disabilities Act 1995 (India)
  8. The Factories Act 1948 (India)

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