Publication Type : Conference Paper
Publisher : Materials Today: Proceedings
Source : Materials Today: Proceedings, 46, pp.2998-3004
Url :
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Physical Sciences
Department : Chemistry
Year : 2021
Abstract : Pyridoxine (PY) or vitamin B6 is one of the water-soluble B vitamins which plays a crucial role in the functioning of the nervous system. Vitamin B6 is highly requisite to sustain healthy skin and immune system in the human body. Moreover, PY is extremely important in the activities of several enzymes that take part in the metabolism of amino acids, proteins, etc. The insufficiency of PY will result in anemic conditions and may lead to perpetual damages in the brain. Also, recent studies revealed that enough Vitamin B6 in the human body can reduce the severity of the illness like diabetes, stress, etc. in patients with Covid-19 infections. Hence the analytical detection of PY from real samples is vital to monitor the level of this vitamin in biological fluids and to control the quality of the pharmaceutical dosages. Numerous analytical methods came out for the detection of PY from biological and pharmaceutical samples so far. However electrochemical approaches hold some discernible advantages like simplicity, amenability for miniaturization, fast response time, etc. from other analytical techniques. The objective of this review is to exemplify the importance of electrochemical methods for the detection of biomolecules especially vitamin B6. Several electrochemical sensors were fabricated for biomolecules based on nanomaterials, as these are an excellent class of materials to modify the electrodes due to their unique properties. Thus, the review emphasizes the strategies adopted for the electrochemical detection of PY, specifically based on nanomaterials
Cite this Research Publication : Santhy, A., Saraswathyamma, B., Krishnan, A.P. and Luscious, L., 2021. Nanomaterials incorporated electrochemical sensors for the monitoring of pyridoxine: A mini review. Materials Today: Proceedings, 46, pp.2998-3004