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Publication Type : Case Reports

Publisher : Indian Journal of Practical Pediatrics

Source : Indian Journal of Practical Pediatrics

Url :

Campus : Faridabad

School : School of Medicine

Year : 2020

Abstract : Children with COVID-19 infection may present with various neurologic manifestations. Although several neurological findings have been documented, it is not clear whether they are causally attributable to SARS-Co-V2 or just occur incidentally in children with COVID-19 infection. During the epidemic period of COVID-19, when seeing patients with neurologic manifestations, clinicians should consider SARS-CoV-2 infection as a differential diagnosis to avoid delayed diagnosis and lose the chance to treat and prevent further transmission. This article documents the various neurological features that have been reported till date due to COVID infection in children.

Cite this Research Publication : Gulati, Sheffali, Juhi Gupta, and Priyanka Madaan. "Neurological aspects of COVID-19 in children." Indian J Prac Pediatr 22 (2020): 144-6.

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