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Course Detail

Course Name Micro propagation Technologies
Course Code 24GPB232
Program Agriculture Sciences
Credits 3
Campus Coimbatore



Introduction, history, advantages and limitations; types of cultures &#40 seed, embryo, organ, callus, cell&#41, stages of micropropagation, axillary bud proliferation &#40 shoot tip and meristem culture, bud culture &#41, organogenesis &#40 callus and direct organ formation&#41, somatic embryogenesis, cell suspension cultures, production of secondary metabolites, somaclonal variation and cryopreservation


Identification and use of equipment in tissue culture laboratory, nutrition media composition, sterilization techniques for media, containers and small instruments, sterilization techniques for explants, preparation of stocks and working solution, preparation of working medium, culturing of explants: seeds, shoot tip and single node, callus induction, induction of somatic embryos regeneration of whole plants from different explants and hardening procedures

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