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Course Detail

Course Name Protected Cultivation
Course Code 24HOR232
Program Agriculture Sciences
Credits 3
Campus Coimbatore



Protected cultivation- importance and scope, Status of protected cultivation in India and World types of protected structure based on site and climate. Cladding material involved in greenhouse/ poly house. Greenhouse design, environment control, artificial lights, Automation. Soil preparation and management, Substrate management. Types of benches and containers. Irrigation and fertigation management. Propagation and production of quality planting material of horticultural crops. Greenhouse cultivation of important horticultural crops – rose, carnation, chrysanthemum, gerbera, orchid, anthurium, lilium, tulip,tomato, bell pepper, cucumber, strawberry, pot plants, etc. Cultivation of economically important medicinal and aromatic plants. Off-season production of flowers and vegetables. Insect pest and disease management.


Raising of seedlings and saplings under protected conditions, use of protrays in quality planting material production, Bed preparation and planting of crop for production, Inter cultural operations, Soil EC and pH measurement, Regulation of irrigation and fertilizers through drip, fogging ad misting.

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