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Course Detail

Course Name Food Safety and Standards
Course Code 24FSN231
Program Agriculture Sciences
Credits 3
Campus Coimbatore



Food Safety – Definition, Importance, Scope and Factors affecting Food Safety. Hazards and Risks, Types of hazards – Biological, Chemical, Physical hazards. Management of hazards – Need. Control of parameters. Temperature control. Food storage. Product design. Hygiene and Sanitation in Food Service Establishments- Introduction. Sources of contamination and their control. Waste Disposal. Pest and Rodent Control. Personnel Hygiene. Food Safety Measures. Food Safety Management Tools- Basic concepts. PRPs, GHPs, GMPs, SSOPs etc. HACCP. ISO series. TQM – concept and need for quality, components of TQM, Kaizen. Risk Analysis. Accreditation and Auditing, Water Analysis, Surface Sanitation and Personal Hygiene. Food laws and Standards- Indian Food Regulatory Regime, FSSA. Global Scenario CAC. Other laws and standards related to food. Recent concerns- New and Emerging Pathogens. Packaging, Product labeling and Nutritional labeling. Genetically modified foods transgenics. Organic foods. Newer approaches to food safety. Recent Outbreaks. Indian and International Standards for food products.


Water quality analysis physico-chemical and microbiological. Preparation of different types of media. Microbiological Examination of different food samples. Assessment of surface sanitation by swab/rinse method. Assessment of personal hygiene. Biochemical tests for identification of bacteria. Scheme for the detection of food borne pathogens. Preparation of plans for Implementation of FSMS – HACCP, ISO: 22000.

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