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Course Detail

Course Name Agri-business Management
Course Code 24AEC231
Program Agriculture Sciences
Credits 3
Campus Coimbatore



Transformation of agriculture into agribusiness, various stakeholders and components of agribusiness systems. Importance of agribusiness in the Indian economy and New Agricultural Policy. Distinctive features of Agribusiness Management: importance and needs of agro-based industries, classification of industries and types of agro based industries. Institutional arrangement, procedures to set up agro based industries. Constraints in establishing agro-based industries. Agri-value chain: Understanding primary and support activities and their linkages. Business environment: PEST & SWOT analysis. Management functions: Roles & activities, Organization culture. Planning, meaning, definition, types of plans. Purpose or mission, goals or objectives, Strategies, polices procedures, rules, programs and budget. Components of a business plan, Steps in planning and implementation. Organization staffing, directing and motivation. Ordering, leading, supervision, communications, control. Capital Management and Financial management of Agribusiness. Financial statements and their importance. Marketing Management: Segmentation, targeting & positioning. Marketing mix and marketing strategies. Consumer behaviour analysis, Product Life Cycle &#40 PLC &#41. Sales & Distribution Management. Pricing policy, various pricing methods. Project Management definition, project cycle, identification, formulation, appraisal, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. Project Appraisal and evaluation techniques.


Study of agri-input markets: seed, fertilizers, pesticides. Study of output markets: grains, fruits, vegetables, flowers. Study of product markets, retails trade commodity trading, and value added products. Study of financing institutions- Cooperative, Commercial banks, RRBs, Agribusiness Finance Limited, NABARD. Preparations of projects and Feasibility reports for agribusiness entrepreneur. Appraisal/evaluation techniques of identifying viable project- Non-discounting techniques. Case study of agro-based industries. Trend and growth rate of prices of agricultural commodities. Net present worth technique for selection of viable project. Internal rate of return.

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