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Course Detail

Course Name Principles of Food Science and Nutrition
Course Code 24FSN312
Program Agriculture Sciences
Semester 6
Credits 2
Campus Coimbatore



Concepts of Food Science &#40 definitions, measurements, density, phase change, pH, osmosis, surface tension, colloidal systems etc.&#41 ; food composition and chemistry &#40 water, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, flavours, colours, miscellaneous bioactives, important reactions&#41 ; food microbiology &#40 bacteria, yeast, moulds, spoilage of fresh & processed foods, Production of fermented foods &#41 ; principles and methods of food processing and preservation &#40 use of heat, low temperature, chemicals, radiation, drying etc.&#41 ; food and nutrition, Malnutrition &#40 over and under nutrition&#41, nutritional disorders; energy metabolism &#40 carbohydrate, fat, proteins&#41 ; balanced/ modified diets, Menu planning, New trends in food science and nutrition.

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