Introduction and meaning of intellectual property, brief introduction to GATT, WTO, TRIPs and WIPO, Treaties for IPR protection: Madrid protocol, Berne Convention, Budapest treaty, etc.
Types of Intellectual Property and legislations covering IPR in India: Patents, Copyrights, Trademark, Industrial design, Geographical indications, Integrated circuits, Trade secrets. Patents Act 1970 and Patent system in India, Patentability, process and product patent, filing of patent, Patent specification, Patent claims, Patent opposition and revocation, infringement, Compulsory licensing, Patent Cooperation Treaty, Patent search and Patent database.
Origin and history including a brief introduction to UPOV for protection of plant varieties, Protection of plant varieties under UPOV and PPV&FR Act of India, Plant breeders rights, Registration of plant varieties under PPV&FR Act 2001, breeders, researcher and farmers rights. Traditional knowledge- meaning and rights of TK holders.
Convention on Biological Diversity, International treaty on plant genetic resources for food and agriculture ( ITPGRFA ). Indian Biological Diversity Act, 2002 and its salient features, access and benefit sharing.