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Course Detail

Course Name Manures, Fertilizers and Soil Fertility Management
Course Code 24SAC301
Program Agriculture Sciences
Semester 5
Credits 3
Campus Coimbatore



   Introduction and importance of organic manures, properties and methods of preparation of bulky and concentrated manures. Green/leaf manuring. Fertilizer recommendation approaches and integrated nutrient management.

   Chemical fertilizers: classification, composition and properties of major nitrogenous, phosphatic, potassic fertilizers, secondary & micronutrient fertilizers, complex fertilizers, nano fertilizers, soil amendments, fertilizer storage and fertilizer control order.

   History of soil fertility and plant nutrition. Criteria of essentiality, role, deficiency and toxicity symptoms of essential plant nutrients, mechanisms of nutrient transport to plants, factors affecting nutrient availability to plants. Chemistry of soil nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulphur and micronutrients. Soil fertility evaluation andsoil testing. Critical levels of different nutrients in soil. Forms of nutrients in soil, plant analysis, rapid plant tissue tests and indicator plants. Methods of fertilizer recommendations to crops. Factor influencing nutrient use efficiency (NUE), methods of application under rainfed and irrigated conditions.


Introduction of analytical instruments and their principles, calibration and applications, Colorimetry and flame photometry. Estimation of soil organic carbon, Estimation of alkaline hydrolysable N in soils. Estimation of soil extractable P in soils. Estimation of exchangeable K; Ca and Mg in soils. Estimation of soil extractable S in soils. Estimation of DTPA extractable Zn in soils. Estimation of N in plants. Estimation of P, K and S in plants.

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