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Course Detail

Course Name Introductory Agro-meteorology & Climate Change
Course Code 24AGR214
Semester 4
Credits 2
Campus Coimbatore



Meaning and scope of agricultural meteorology; earth atmosphere- its composition, extent and structure. Atmospheric weather variables; atmospheric pressure, its variation with height,wind, types of wind, daily and seasonal variation of wind speed, cyclone, anticyclone, land breeze and sea breeze. Nature and properties of solar radiation, solar constant, depletion of solar radiation, short wave, longwave and thermal radiation, net radiation and albedo. Atmospheric temperature, temperature inversion, lapse rate, daily and seasonal variations of temperature and vertical profile of temperature. Energy balance of earth, atmospheric humidity, concept of saturation, vapor pressure, process of condensation, formation of dew, fog, mist, frost and cloud. Precipitation, process of precipitation, types of precipitation such as rain, snow, sleet and hail, cloud formation and classification. Artificial rainmaking. Monsoon- mechanism and importance in Indian agriculture, weather hazards – drought, floods, frost, tropical cyclones and extreme weather conditions such as heat-wave and cold-wave. Agriculture and weather relations; modifications of crop microclimate, climatic normals for crop and livestock production. Weather forecasting, types of weather forecast and their uses. Climate change, climatic variability, global warming, causes of climate change and its impact on regional and national Agriculture.


Visit of Agrometeorological Observatory, site selection of observatory, exposure of instruments and weather data recording. Measurement of total, shortwave and longwave radiation, and its estimation using Planck’s intensity law. Measurement of albedo and sunshine duration, computation of radiation intensity using BSS. Measurement of maximum and minimum air temperatures, its tabulation, trend and variation analysis. Measurement of soil temperature and computation of soil heat flux. Determination of vapor pressure and relative humidity. Determination of dew point temperature. Measurement of atmospheric pressure and analysis of atmospheric conditions. Measurement of wind speed, wind direction and preparation of wind rose. Measurement, tabulation and analysis of rain. Measurement of open pan evaporation and evapotranspiration. Computation of PET and AET.

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