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Course Detail

Course Name Production Technology for Vegetables and Spices
Course Code 24HOR201
Semester 3
Credits 2
Campus Coimbatore



Importance of vegetables & spices in human nutrition and national economy, kitchen gardening, brief about origin, area, climate, soil, improved varieties and cultivation practices such as time of sowing, transplanting techniques, planting distance, fertilizer requirements, irrigation, weed management, harvesting and yield, physiological disorders, of important vegetable and spices ( Tomato, Brinjal, Chilli, Capsicum, Cucumber, Melons, Gourds, Pumpkin, French bean, Peas; Cole crops such as Cabbage, Cauliflower, Knol-khol; bulb crops such as Onion, Garlic; root crops such as Carrot, Raddish, Beetroot, tuber crops such as Potato; leafy vegetables such as Amaranth, Palak. Perennial vegetables).


Identification of vegetables & spice crops and their seeds. Nursery raising. Direct seed sowing and transplanting. Study of morphological characters of different vegetables & spices. Fertilizers applications. Harvesting & preparation for market. Economics of vegetables and spices cultivation.


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