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Course Detail

Course Name Agri- Informatics
Course Code 24INF201
Program Agriculture Sciences
Semester 3
Credits 2
Campus Coimbatore


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Introduction to Computers, Operating Systems, definition and types, Applications of MSOffice for document creation & Editing, Data presentation, interpretation and graph creation, statistical analysis, Mathematical expressions, Database, concepts and types, uses of DBMS in Agriculture, World Wide Web &#40 WWW&#41: Concepts and components. Introduction to computer programming languages, concepts and standard input/output operations.

e-Agriculture, concepts and applications, Use of ICT in Agriculture. Computer Models for understanding plant processes. IT application for computation of water and nutrient requirement of crops, Computer-controlled devices &#40 automated systems&#41 for Agri-input management, Smartphone Apps in Agriculture for farm advises, market price, postharvest management etc; Geospatial technology for generating valuable agri-information. Decision support systems, concepts, components and applications in Agriculture, Agriculture Expert System, Soil Information Systems etc for supporting Farm decisions. Preparation of contingent crop-planning using IT tools.


Study of Computer Components, accessories, practice of important DOS Commands. Introduction of different operating systems such as windows, Unix/ Linux, Creating, Files & Folders, File Management. Use of MS-WORD and MS Power-point for creating, editing and presenting a scientific Document. MS- EXCEL – Creating a spreadsheet, use of statistical tools, writing expressions, creating graphs, analysis of scientific data. MS-ACCESS: Creating Database, preparing queries and reports, demonstration of Agri- information system. Introduction to World Wide Web &#40 WWW&#41. Introduction of programming languages. Hands on Crop Simulation Models &#40 CSM&#41 such as DSSAT/Crop-Info/CropSyst/ Wofost; Computation of water and nutrient requirements of crop using CSM and IT tools. Introduction of Geospatial Technology for generating valuable information for Agriculture. Hands on Decision Support System. Preparation of contingent crop planning.

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