Agricultural Finance- meaning, scope and significance, credit needs and its role in Indian agriculture. Agricultural credit: meaning, definition, need, classification. Credit analysis: 4 R’s, and 3C’s of credits. Sources of agricultural finance: institutional and non-institutional sources, commercial banks, social control and nationalization of commercial banks, Micro financing including KCC. Lead bank scheme, RRBs, Scale of finance and unit cost. An introduction to higher financing institutions – RBI, NABARD, ADB, IMF, world bank, Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation of India. Cost of credit. Recent development in agricultural credit. Preparation and analysis of financial statements – Balance Sheet and Income Statement. Basic guidelines for preparation of project reports- Bank norms – SWOT analysis.
Agricultural Cooperation – Meaning, brief history of cooperative development in India, objectives, principles of cooperation, significance of cooperatives in Indian agriculture. Agricultural Cooperation in India- credit, marketing, consumer and multi-purpose cooperatives, farmers’ service cooperative societies, processing cooperatives, farming cooperatives, cooperative warehousing; role of ICA, NCUI, NCDC, NAFED.