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Course Detail

Course Name Fundamentals of Agricultural Extension Education
Course Code 24AEX112
Program Agriculture Sciences
Semester 2
Credits 3
Campus Coimbatore


Theory Th

Education: Meaning, definition & Types; Extension Education- meaning, definition, scope and process; objectives and principles of Extension Education; Extension Programme planning- Meaning, Process, Principles and Steps in Programme Development. Extension systems in India: extension efforts in pre-independence era &#40 Sriniketan, Marthandam, Firka Development Scheme, Gurgaon Experiment, etc.&#41 and post-independence era &#40 Etawah Pilot Project, Nilokheri Experiment, etc.) various extension/ agriculture development programmes launched by ICAR/ Govt. of India &#40 IADP, IAAP, HYVP, KVK, IVLP, ORP, ND, NATP, NAIP, etc.&#41. New trends in agriculture extension: privatization extension, cyber extension/ e-extension, market-led extension, farmer-led extension, expert systems, etc.

Rural Development: concept, meaning, definition; various rural development programmes launched by Govt. of India. Community Dev.-meaning, definition, concept & principles, Philosophy of C.D. Rural Leadership: concept and definition, types of leaders in rural context; extension administration: meaning and concept, principles and functions. Monitoring and evaluation: concept and definition, monitoring and evaluation of extension programmes; transfer of technology: concept and models, capacity building of extension personnel; extension teaching methods: meaning, classification, individual, group and mass contact methods, ICT Applications in TOT&#40 New and Social Media&#41, media mix strategies; communication: meaning and definition; principles and functions of communication, models and barriers to communication. Agriculture journalism; diffusion and adoption of innovation: concept and meaning, process and stages of adoption, adopter categories.


To get acquainted with university extension system. Group discussion- exercise; handling and use of audio visual equipments and digital camera and LCD projector; preparation and use of AV aids, preparation of extension literature – leaflet, booklet, folder, pamphlet news stories and success stories; Presentation skills exercise; micro teaching exercise; A visit to village to understand the problems being encountered by the villagers/ farmers; to study organization and functioning of DRDA and other development departments at district level; visit to NGO and learning from their experience in rural development; understanding PRA techniques and their application in village development planning; exposure to mass media: visit to community radio and television studio for understanding the process of programme production; script writing, writing for print and electronic media, developing script for radio and television.

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