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Course Detail

Course Name Soil and Water Conservation Engineering
Course Code 24ENR111
Semester 2
Credits 2
Campus Coimbatore



Introduction to Soil and Water Conservation, causes of soil erosion. Definition and agents of soil erosion, water erosion: Forms of water erosion. Gully classification and control measures. Soil loss estimation by universal Loss Soil Equation. Soil loss measurement techniques. Principles of erosion control: Introduction to contouring, strip cropping. Contour bund. Graded bund and bench terracing. Grassed water ways and their design. Water harvesting and its techniques. Wind erosion: mechanics of wind erosion, types of soil movement. Principles of wind erosion control and its control measures.


General status of soil conservation in India. Calculation of erosion index. Estimation of soil loss. Measurement of soil loss. Preparation of contour maps. Design of grassed water ways. Design of contour bunds. Design of graded bunds. Design of bench terracing system. Problem on wind erosion.

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