Pre and Post Mendelian concepts of heredity and Mendelian principles of heredity. Architecture of chromosome; chromonemata, chromosome matrix, chromomeres, centromere, secondary constriction and telomere; special types of chromosomes. Chromosomal theory of inheritance- cell cycle and cell division- mitosis and meiosis. Probability and Chi-square. Dominance relationshipsand epistatic interactions with example.
Multiple alleles, pleiotropism and pseudoalleles, sex determination and sex linkage, sex limited and sex influenced traits, blood group genetics, linkage and its estimation, crossing over mechanisms and chromosome mapping. Structural and numerical variations in chromosome and their implications, use of haploids, dihaploids and doubled haploids in Genetics. Mutation, classification, methods of inducing mutations & CIB technique, mutagenic agents and induction of mutation. Qualitative & Quantitative traits, polygenes and continuous variations, multiple factor hypothesis, cytoplasmic inheritance. Genetic disorders,nature, structure & replication of genetic material. Protein synthesis, Transcription and translational mechanism of genetic material, gene concept: gene structure, function and regulation, Lac and Trp operons.