Introduction – definitions of basic terms related to forestry, objectives of silviculture, forest classification, salient features of Indian Forest Policies. Forest regeneration, Natural regeneration – natural regeneration from seed and vegetative parts, coppicing, pollarding, root suckers; Artificial regeneration – objectives, choice between natural and artificial regeneration, essential preliminary considerations. Crown classification. Tending operations – weeding, cleaning, thinning – mechanical, ordinary, crown and advance thinning. Forest mensuration – objectives, diameter measurement, instruments used in diameter measurement; Non instrumental methods of height measurement – shadow and single pole method; Instrumental methods of height measurement – geometric and trigonometric principles, instruments used in height measurement; tree stem form, form factor, form quotient, measurement of volume of felled and standing trees, age determination of trees. Agroforestry – definitions, importance, criteria of selection of trees in agroforestry, different agroforestry systems prevalent in the country, shifting cultivation, taungya, alley cropping, wind breaks and shelter belts, home gardens. Cultivation practices of two important fast growing tree species of the region.