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Course Detail

Course Name Fundamentals of Horticulture
Course Code 24HOR101
Semester 1
Credits 2
Campus Coimbatore



Horticulture – its definition and branches, importance and scope; horticultural and botanical classification; climate and soil for horticultural crops; plant propagation-methods and propagating structures; seed dormancy, seed germination, principles of orchard establishment; principles and methods of training and pruning, juvenility and flower bud differentiation; unfruitfulness; pollination, pollinizers and pollinators; fertilization and parthenocarpy; medicinal and aromatic plants; importance of plant bio- regulators in horticulture. Irrigation – methods, Fertilizer application in horticultural crops.


Identification of garden tools. Identification of horticultural crops. Preparation of seed bed/ nursery bed. Practice of sexual and asexual methods of propagation including micro-propagation. Layout and planting of orchard. Training and pruning of fruit trees. Preparation of potting mixture. Fertilizer application in different crops. Visits to commercial nurseries/orchard.

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