Publication Type : Journal Article
Source : European Journal of Medical and Health Research
Url :
Campus : Faridabad
School : School of Medicine
Year : 2024
Abstract : Background: The pancreas is an infrequently injured organ in abdominal trauma, often associated with other visceral injuries. Because of its retroperitoneal location, symptoms and signs of abdominal injuries are less evident/covert. The majority of pancreatic injuries are low-grade and are treated conservatively. A key factor in the treatment of pancreatic trauma is an injury to the main pancreatic duct. We conducted this analysis to discuss current management strategies available for pancreatic trauma. Methods: A retrospective analysis of a prospectively maintained database of pancreatic trauma patients referred to the Department of Surgical Gastroenterology, King George Medical University, tertiary care teaching hospital from December 2020 to July 2023 was done. Demographic parameters along with mode, grade of injury, type of management have been recorded and analysed. Contrast-enhanced CT abdomen was done in all patients and the American Association for Surgery of Trauma (AAST) classification was used for grading of injury. Results: Our study included 51 patients, of whom grade III injuries accounted for 78% of all injuries, followed by grade II injuries (10%). These patients received multimodality care for their injuries, while grade I and II injuries (7 patients) received conservative treatment. Conclusion: Pancreatic trauma is uncommon and its management depends on the grade of injury. A multidisciplinary team including a medical gastroenterologist, interventional radiologist, intensivist and surgical gastroenterologist is necessary for optimal outcomes.
Cite this Research Publication : Chandra, Abhijit, Vijay K. Sharma, Yash V. Sinha, Ravindra Budhwani, and Julie M. Shah. "Management of Pancreatic Trauma at Tertiary Care Centre in North India: A Single Centre Experience." European Journal of Medical and Health Research 2, no. 6 (2024): 79-84.