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Mobile Cloud Media Computing Applications: A Survey

Publication Type : Conference Proceedings

Publisher : Springer

Source : Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Signal and Image Processing 2012 (ICSIP 2012)

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Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Center : TIFAC CORE in Cyber Security

Year : 2012

Abstract : The rapid developments of smart mobile devices, wireless networks and cloud computing have extended mobile phones with much more functionalities rather than only being used as voice communication tools. Smart mobile devices like camera phones are true “multimedia” devices capable of managing acquisition, processing, transmission, and presentation of multiple modal data such as image, video, audio and text information. They are also ubiquitous social networking devices. Recent rapid development of mobile hardware, wireless network, and cloud computing creates an urgent demand on intelligent and scalable multimedia computing technologies and systems for mobile devices. Multiple sensors, high-resolution screen, more powerful CPU, 3G Internet access, and cloud computing are all necessary enabling technologies to this end. In particular, cloud computing provides powerful supports on computation, storage and networking, which are essential for realizing scalable mobile multimedia applications. The motivation of this study is to timely address the challenges and opportunities in applying advanced multimedia technology, cloud computing, user interface, and graphics techniques to mobile systems. Existing works are reviewed, and an overview of recent advances in mobile cloud media computing is provided.

Cite this Research Publication : S.Durga, S. Mohan, Mobile cloud media computing applications: A survey, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 4th International Conference on Signal and Image Processing 2012 (ICSIP 2012).

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