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Course Detail

Course Name Automotive Testing and Validation
Course Code 24AT754
Program M. Tech. in Automotive Engineering
Credits 3
Campus Coimbatore , Chennai , Bengaluru , Amritapuri , Kochi


Elective Streams General Electives

Unit 1

Introduction to Testing and Homologation: Need for Vehicle testing and homologation, Vehicle testing organizations, Specification & Classification of Vehicles (including M, N and O layout), Homologation & its Types, Regulations overview (EEC, ECE, FMVSS, AIS, CMVR), Type approval Scheme, Homologation for export, Conformity of Production, various Parameters, Instruments and Types of test tracks. Approval for Safety systems (Active & Passive).

Unit 2

Laboratory Engine Testing: Measurement of BHP, IHP, Engine testing on dynamometers, different types of dynamometers hydraulic, eddy current etc., engine analyzers- for petrol and diesel engines, FIP calibrating and testing. Emission test for CO, HC, NOx, CO2, PM, etc. using exhaust gas analyzers, Spectroscopic methods, NDIR (Non Dispersive Infrared), FID (Flame Ionization Detector), chemiluminescent analyzers, Gas Chromatograph, Smoke meters. Emission testing on chassis dynamometers, Driving Cycles- USA, Japan, Euro and India. Test procedures – European driving cycles, Modified Indian Driving Cycle, SHED (Sealed Housing for. Evaporative Determination) Test on chassis dynamometers.

Unit 3

NVH and Vehicle performance Testing: Standard noise measurement methods, Noise inside and outside the vehicle, sources of vehicle noise – intake and exhaust noise, combustion noise, mechanical noise, noise from auxiliaries, wind noises, transmission noises, brake squeal, structure noise and noise control methods. Pass by Noise testing method. Methods for evaluating vehicle performance – energy consumption in conventional automobiles, performance, and emission and fuel economy, Operation of full load and part load conditions. Gradability test, Turning circle diameter test, Steering Impact test, Steering effort test. Road and track testing:

Maximum speed and acceleration, brake testing, lane changing, handling and ride characteristics. Track testing on Multi Friction Braking Track, High Speed Track, Wet skid pad, Test slopes, External noise test track, Accelerated fatigue track, Water wade, Salt-water wade, and Gravel road and off road track, Dry handling circuit, Comfort track.

Unit 4

Automotive Testing Standards: AIS testing standards, Euro Standards, SAE standards. ISO26262 standards for functional safety of electrical and/or electronic systems in automobiles- EMI/EMC/EMS testing and regulations- Safety and crash testing– Regulatory and NCAP tests – Injury criteria – Testing of EHVs. AIS Standards: AIS- 008 (Installation requirements of lighting and light-signaling devices for motor vehicles having more than three wheels, trailer and semi-Trailer excluding agricultural tractor and special purpose vehicles), AIS-018:2001 (Automotive Vehicles – Speed limitation Devices – Specifications), AIS-037 (Procedure for Type Approval and establishing conformity of production for safety of critical components), AIS093 (Code of practice for construction and approval of truck cabs & truck bodies), AIS-003 (Automotive Vehicles – Starting Gradeability – Method of Measurement and Requirements), AIS-038 (Battery Operated Vehicles – Requirements for Construction and Functional Safety).

Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objectives

  1. To introduce testing and homologation which are essential for vehicle safety and compliance
  2. To familiarise major testing bodies and key standards for vehicle
  3. To teach to measure engine power and emissions using dynamometers and
  4. To provide knowledge on testing and control vehicle noise and assess performance on various
  5. To familiarise important automotive standards and safety

Course Outcomes


CO Description


Apply fundamental knowledge to measure the emissions and calculate the vehicle performance with

reference to standard reference conditions.


Apply various methods of testing to vehicles, prime movers, drivelines, components, and materials

including emissions, EMI/EMC, fatigue, crash, etc.


Identify the testing procedures of evaluating the vehicle performance, road test and track test.


Understand standard procedures for vehicle certification and approval as per rules and regulations.


Interpret and understand various automotive testing standards

CO-PO Mapping





























Skills acquired

Testing of vehicles, prime movers, drivelines, components, and materials. Application of Measurement systems, Instrumentation, data acquisition and analysis systems

Text Books / References

Text Books / References

  1. Martyr and Plint, “Engine Testing – Theory and Practice”, Butterworth Heinemann,
  2. Indian Standards (IS)
  3. Automotive Industry Standards (AIS)
  4. Raymond M. Brach and R. Matthew Brach, “Vehicle Accident Analysis and Reconstruction Methods”, SAE International, 2011
  5. Ulrich Seiffert and Lothar Wech, “Automotive Safety Handbook”, SAE International, 2013
  6. CMVR, TAPS document, Indian Standards, AISs, ISOs, etc
  7. ISO Standards, ICS: 020, 43.040, 43.100

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