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Course Detail

Course Name Automotive User Experience (UX) Design
Course Code 24AT733
Program M. Tech. in Automotive Engineering
Credits 3
Campus Coimbatore , Chennai , Bengaluru , Amritapuri , Kochi


Elective Streams Software Defined Vehicles

Unit 1

Overview of Automotive User Experience– Importance of UX in Automotive Industry Evolution of Automotive UX Design-Human-Centered Design Principles- Basics of Human-Computer Interaction- Cognitive Psychology in UX Design-Design Thinking Process, Usability Principles and Guidelines.

Unit 2

Infotainment Systems Design: Navigation and Map Interfaces-Audio and Entertainment Controls. Touchscreen and Gesture-Based Controls-Haptic Feedback Integration-Voice Recognition Systems. Augmented Reality (AR) Displays-Heads-Up Displays (HUDs)-Integration of AI and Machine Learning in Automotive UX.

Unit 3

UX Design: Usability Testing in Automotive Environments-Gathering and Analyzing User Feedback Iterative Design Process in Automotive UX. Autonomous Vehicles and UX Design-Connectivity and IoT in Automotive Design-Emerging Technologies and Their Impact on Automotive UX.

Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objectives

  1. To make students’ understand the significance of User Experience (UX) in the automotive industry and its evolution.
  2. To provide foundational knowledge in human-centered design principles and their application in automotive UX.
  3. To familiarize various components of automotive UX design including infotainment systems, navigation interfaces, and emerging technologies like AR and AI.
  4. To inculcate skills in usability testing, iterative design processes, and incorporating user feedback in automotive UX design.

Course Outcomes

CO CO Description
CO1 Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of UX in the automotive industry and its historical evolution.
CO2 Apply human-centered design principles and basic concepts from cognitive psychology to automotive UX design challenges.
CO3 Design and evaluate interfaces for infotainment systems, navigation controls, and emerging technologies such as AR displays and AI integration in automotive environments.
CO4 Conduct usability testing, gather user feedback, and iterate designs to improve the overall user experience in automotive applications.

CO-PO Mapping

CO1 3 1 1 2 3
CO2 3 2 1 2 3
CO3 3 2 1 2 3
CO4 3 2 1 2 3

Skills acquired

Design user-friendly automotive interfaces and conducting usability testing while applying human-centered design principles.

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