Unit 1
Introduction to System modelling: Importance of control system in Electrical vehicle, Study of control architecture in Electric vehicle, Systems models and their classifications, principles used in modelling of systems. Continuous time systems modelling – Electromechanical systems – Linear and nonlinear systems – System identification – State space analysis – Eigen values – Controllability and observability – Discrete time systems – Discretization of continuous time systems.
Unit 2
Model based control approach for Electric Vehicle: Introduction to P, PI & PID Controller, and Internal Model Control (IMC) Design, Introduction to Model based control system design for Electric Vehicle. Controller design
– Control structures – Transfer function – Lead and lag compensators – Proportional controller – Integral – Derivative controller – Comparison – Optimization control – Automotive sub system control using MATLAB – State feedback controller design – Steering control using model predictive controller – Stability and realizability.
Unit 3
Stability aspects of control systems: Stability concept, Stability definition in the sense of Lyapunov, Stability of continuous time Linear systems, Lyapunov stability theorem, Vehicle stability analysis. Applications of control techniques in Traction control, Vehicle Control, Electric power steering control.
Objectives and Outcomes
Course Objectives
To develop an understanding of the basic framework of research process
To identify various sources of information for literature review and data collection
To develop an understanding of the ethical dimensions of conducting applied research
Course Outcomes
CO |
CO Description |
CO1 |
Understand research problem formulation. |
CO2 |
Analyse research related information. |
CO3 |
Follow research ethics. |
CO4 |
Understand that today’s world is controlled by Computer, Information Technology, but tomorrow world will be ruled by ideas, concept, and creativity. |
CO5 |
Understanding that when IPR would take such important place in growth of individuals & nation, it is needless to emphasis the need of information about Intellectual Property Right to be promoted among students in general & engineering in particular. |
CO6 |
Understand that IPR protection provides an incentive to inventors for further research work and investment in R & D, which leads to creation of new and better products, and in turn brings about,economic growth and social benefits. |
CO-PO Mapping
PO1 |
PO2 |
PO3 |
PO4 |
PO5 |
CO1 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
CO2 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
CO3 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
CO4 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
CO5 |
1 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
Skills acquired
Design, develop, analyse control systems for autonomous vehicle