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Course Detail

Course Name Vehicle Dynamics and Simulation
Course Code 24AT615
Program M. Tech. in Automotive Engineering
Semester 2
Credits 3
Campus Coimbatore , Chennai , Bengaluru , Amritapuri , Kochi


Lab Content 45 hours

  1. Homologation trials – Acceleration test,
  2. Brake test,
  3. Single lane change test,
  4. Double lane change
  5. Steering effort – Steering torque measurement-
  6. Brake force measurement test- Gear shift effort
  7. Pitch, Yaw and roll measurement (Road test & IPG Carmaker simulation).
  8. Simulated Vehicle performance on road profile-creating and customizing the vehicle model to the requirement- Exercises using simulation tools (IPG Carmaker)
  9. Modeling an Anti-Lock Braking System-Magic Formula based Tire Modelling (Matlab)
Unit 1

Vehicle Dynamics Introduction and Steering – Load distribution – calculation of CG of a vehicle – Effect of CG on vehicle performance.- Basic equation of Acceleration, Brake performance. Acceleration – Power-Limited, traction-limited- Steering system – The Steering Linkages and settings- Steering System Forces and Moments – Steering System Models – steering ratio, under steer/over steer-Problems. Influence of Front-Wheel Drive – Four- Wheel Steer. Rollover – Quasi-Static Rollover of a Rigid Vehicle, Quasi-Static Rollover of a Suspended Vehicle, transient Rollover. Experiment with the Measurement steering wheel (MSW) and Wheel pulse transducer.

Unit 2

Brake and Tire forces: Braking Performance- Basic Equations – Braking Forces – Brake Proportioning, efficiency-Problems – Experiment with the Pedal force Transducer for evaluating the performance of vehicle body speed, wheel speed, tire longitudinal slip, and the stopping distance experienced by the vehicle. Tire Tractive and cornering Properties – Camber Thrust – Aligning Moment – Combined Braking and Corning – Conicity and Ply Steer – Tire Vibrations. Ride – Excitation sources – Vehicle Response Properties – Steady-State cornering – low speed turning and High speed cornering-problems. Simulate tire conditions to study the tire inflation pressure, stiffness, friction levels.

Unit 3

Aerodynamic forces on vehicle: Aerodynamic forces on ground vehicles – Wheel load – traction due to Aerodynamic forces – safety, performance characteristics –Problems-Three dimensional effects – Design features to reduce drag. Computational analysis and kinematic and force analysis of systems.

Objectives and Outcomes

Course Objectives

  1. To make the student understand the vehicle dynamics parameters
  2. To interpret system Modelling
  3. To make the student to simulate various driving conditions to analyse its parameters
  4. To model the block diagram to solve the system engineering problems using soft

Course Outcomes

CO CO Description
CO1 Analyse and formulate the dynamic models for vehicle systems
CO2 Evaluate the performance characteristics of vehicle dynamics under various driving conditions
CO3 Demonstrate the vehicle motion and analyze the vehicle response for various driving conditions
CO4 Simulate various driving conditions and experimental validation

CO-PO Mapping

CO1 3 2 1 2 1
CO2 3 2 1 2 2
CO3 3 1 1 2 1
CO4 3 2 1 2 2

Skills acquired

Analyse the vehicle response for various driving conditions and formulate the fundamental of vehicle dynamics. Simulation of various driving conditions and experimental validation

Text Books / References

Text Books / References

  1. Thomas Gillespie, “Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics”, SAE International Publication, 2017.
  2. Popp, Karl, Schiehlen and Werner, “Ground Vehicle Dynamics”, Springer Publication, 2020
  3. Rao Dukkipati and Jian Pang, “Road Vehicle Dynamics”, SAE International Publication, 2008.
  4. Richard Barnard, “Road Vehicle Aerodynamic Design”, Second Revised Edition, Mechaero Publishing, 2021
  5. Philip D Cha, James J Rosenberg and Clive L Dym, ‘Fundamentals of Modeling and Analyzing Engineering Systems”, Cambridge University, 2013.
  6. Woods, Robert , and Lawrence Kent L, “Modeling and Simulation of Dynamic Systems”, Prentice Hall, 2010.

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