Lab Content: (Electrical Drives and Controls)
- Characterization of DC Motor
- To observe open-loop speed control of a DC motor
- To calculate the motor back-emf constant
- To calculate the electrical parameters (Ra and La) of the motor using the blocked rotor test
- Verify the voltage vs speed characteristics of the DC motor
- Plot the torque-speed characteristics of the DC motor with load
- Speed control of a DC motor
- Control the speed of a DC motor using an open-loop
- Use PI control on the armature current and speed
- Obtain waveforms of 3-phase full controlled bridge converter with R, RL and
- Characteristics of a Permanent Magnet AC motor
- Observe the back emf of the motor and calculate its back emf constant
- Run the motor with current control by correct placement of the current space vector
- Run the motor with speed control
- Torque-speed characteristics and speed control of a three-phase induction motor
(Automotive Electronics)
- MK40DX256 board GPIO introduction
- Button Debouncing with MK40DX256 both software and hardware
- 7-Segment Display Control
- Signal Processing – Real-Time Frequency Analysis, Perform Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) on the acquired sensor data using specialized libraries.
- Signal Processing with External ADC/DAC- Implement advanced signal processing algorithms like demodulation, modulation, or filter design.
- Timer-Based Signal Generation and PWM to control
- CAN communication with MK40DX256
- CAN X by wire with MK40DX256