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Course Detail

Course Name Special Topics in Cryptography
Course Code 24CY762
Program M. Tech. in Cyber Security
Credits 3
Campus Coimbatore



Lattice based cryptography – Integer lattices, Hard problems on lattices – Shortest Vector Problem, Closest Vector Problem, Bounded Distance Decoding, Shortest Independent Vector Problem, Learning With Errors, Ring LWE, Short Integer Solution, Ring SIS, Code based cryptography, Hash based cryptography, Homomorphic encryption, BLS signatures, Group signatures, Identity based encryption, Broadcast encryption, Functional encryption, Secure Multi party computation- Visual Cryptography. 

Objectives and Outcomes


24CY602 Network Security


Course Outcome

Course Outcome  

Bloom’s Taxonomy  


CO 1  

Understanding the NP hard problems on Lattices 


CO 2  

Understanding hardness of code based cryptography 


CO 3  

Understanding homomorphic encryption and its applications 


CO 4  

Evaluation of Identity based cryptosystems 


CO 5  

Understand the concepts of functional encryption 


CO-PO Mapping

CO-PO Mapping  


PO 1 

PO 2 

PO 3 

PO 4 

PO 5 

PO 6 

PO 7 

PO 8 

PO 9 

PO 10 




CO 1 



CO 2 



CO 3 



CO 4 



CO 5 



Text Books / References

  1. Daniele Micciancio and Shafi Goldwasser,Complexity of Lattice Problems: A Cryptographic Perspective, 2002. 
  1. J. H . Silverman,The Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves, Vol. 106, Dordrecht: Springer, 2009. 
  1. C. Boyd and A. Mathuria,Protocols for Authentication and Key Establishment,Springer, 2010. 
  1. L. Dong and K. Chen,Cryptographic Protocol: Security Analysis Based on Trusted Freshness, Springer, 2012. 
  1. Peikert, C.,A decade of lattice cryptography,Foundations and Trends in Theoretical Computer Science, 10(4), pp.283-424, 2016. 
  1. Dan Boneh and Victor Shoup,A Graduate Course in Applied Cryptography, V4, 2017. 
  1. Rings and Integer Lattices in Computer Science, lectures notes from the Bellairs-McGill workshop on Computational Complexity in 2007. 

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