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Course Detail

Course Name Steganography And Malware Analysis
Course Code 24CY742
Program M. Tech. in Cyber Security
Credits 3
Campus Coimbatore



Steganography in images, Spatial and transform domain steganography: S-tool, J-Steg, OutGuess. Steganalysis, Steg Firewall to prevent malware. Program Analysis: Static-Dynamic- Information Flow- Assembly programming, identify common techniques and approaches for reverse engineering, disassembler, and debugger aided debugging, identifying and defeating anti-disassembly techniques, anti- debugging techniques, code obfuscation. Windows PE file format overview, Windows API & COM overview, Malware persistence mechanisms (Registry by means of service, Trojans, DLL load order hijacking), Rootkits, Privilege elevation mechanisms used by malware, Malware execution (DLL injection, Process replacement, using Hooks and APC), Malware data encoding (common ciphers, custom encodings, Packers YARA rules. Familiarizing with the tools: Ghidra, IDA Pro, and GDB Debugger. 

Objectives and Outcomes


Course Outcome  

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level  

CO 1  

Understanding various security issues in multimedia and provide secure measures through steganography 


CO 2  

Familiarizing with different Program analysis techniques 


CO 3  

Exploring various Malware persistence mechanisms and reverse engineering approaches 


CO 4  

Exploring various code obfuscation and Malware data encoding methods 



CO-PO Mapping  


PO 1 

PO 2 

PO 3 

PO 4 

PO 5 

PO 6 

PO 7 

PO 8 

PO 9 

PO 10 




CO 1 




CO 2 




CO 3 




CO 4 




Text Books / References

  1. J. Fridrich, Steganography in Digital Media: Principles, Algorithms, and Applications , 1st Edition, Cambridge University Press, 2010. 
  2. C. Collberg and J. Nagra, Surreptitious Software: Obfuscation, Watermarking, and Tamperproofing for Software Protection , Addison-Wesley, 2010. 
  3. Michael Sikorski and Andrew Honig, Practical Malware Analysis , No Starch Press 2012 
  4. Bruce Dang, Alexandre Gazet, Elias Bachaalany and Sebastien Josse, Practical Reverse Engineering , Wiley Publishers, 2014 
  5. Eldad Eilam, Reversing: Secrets of Reverse Engineering , Wiley Publishers, 2005 

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