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Course Detail

Course Name Cyber Security Lab
Course Code 24CY682
Program M. Tech. in Cyber Security
Semester 2
Credits 2
Campus Coimbatore

Objectives and Outcomes


Basic network troubleshooting, OSI layers, Basic usage of Linux utility  

  1. To configure virtual networks using network simulator 
  2. To install and exploit security tools for protecting a network 
  3. To implement cryptographic algorithm for building a secure communication network 
  4. To exploit the vulnerabilities in a LAN environment and launch attacks 
  5. To analyze the network packet using Wireshark  
  6. To perform the web penetration testing using Burp suite  
  7. To perform vulnerability assessment of wireless devices 
  8. To exploit vulnerabilities in the systems with Metasploit  
  9. To perform the log analysis Wazuh, Splunk  
  10. Incident Monitoring using Security Onion  

The experiments make use of Linux and other open source security tools.

Course Outcome

Course Outcome  

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level  

CO 1  

Implementation of various network exploits and its mitigation techniques using simulators and real devices 


CO 2  

To exploit vulnerabilities in LAN, wireless devices and identify the same using penetration testing 


CO 3  

Exploring the reverse engineering techniques for proper classification of Benign and malicious Desktop applications 


CO 4  

Implementation of Intrusion detection system by applying machine learning algorithms. 


CO-PO Mapping

CO-PO Mapping  


PO 1 

PO 2 

PO 3 

PO 4 

PO 5 

PO 6 

PO 7 

PO 8 

PO 9 

PO 10 




CO 1 




CO 2 




CO 3 




CO 4 




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