Course Overview
Master Over the Mind (MAOM) is an Amrita initiative to implement schemes and organise university- wide programs to enhance health and wellbeing of all faculty, staff, and students (UN SDG -3). This program as part of our efforts for sustainable stress reduction gives an introduction to immediate and long- term benefits and equips every attendee to manage stressful emotions and anxiety facilitating inner peace and harmony.
With a meditation technique offered by Amrita Chancellor and world-renowned humanitarian and spiritual leader, Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi (Amma), this course has been planned to be offered to all students of all campuses of AMRITA, starting off with all first years, wherein one hour per week is completely dedicated for guided practical meditation session and one hour on the theory aspects of MAOM. The theory section comprises lecture hours within a structured syllabus and will include invited guest lecture series from eminent personalities from diverse fields of excellence. This course will enhance the understanding of experiential learning based on university’s mission: “Education for Life along with Education for Living”, and is aimed to allow learners to realize and rediscover the infinite potential of one’s true Being and the fulfilment of life’s goals.
Course Outcomes (CO)
CO1: Relate to the causes of stress in one’s life.
CO2: Experiment with a range of relaxation techniques CO3: Model a meditative approach to work, study, and life.
CO4: Develop appropriate practice of MA-OM technique that is effective in one’s life CO5: Inculcate a higher level of awareness and focus.
CO6: Evaluate the impact of a meditation technique
Program Outcomes (PO) (As given by NBA and ABET)
PO1: Engineering Knowledge PO2: Problem Analysis
PO3: Design/Development of Solutions
PO4: Conduct Investigations of complex problems PO5: Modern tools usage
PO6: Engineer and Society
PO7: Environment and Sustainability PO8: Ethics
PO9: Individual & Team work
PO10: Communication
PO11: Project management & Finance PO12: Lifelong learning
CO – PO Affinity Map
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PSO3 |
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CO 3 |
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CO 4 |
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CO 5 |
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CO 6 |
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