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Preparedness for managing pandemic using distributed mobile brokers – Using COVID 19 use case

Publication Type : Journal Article

Source : Materials Today: Proceedings

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Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Year : 2022

Abstract : The human community has experienced the worst disaster during this pandemic spread of COVID-19. Getting essential services viz., medical, food, water, and oxygen support have been challenging during the pandemic. People suffer inadequate essential services during these lockdowns and quarantines. This paper proposes a distributed mobile broker service using the MQTT protocol for managing and accessing essential services during a pandemic. The proposed method splits the city into areas. The essential service providers register their services with the publishers and the essential service seekers seek their services from the publishers using mobile brokers. The mobile broker is also equipped with data aware trajectory planning technique that considers collecting data from available nodes with less delay. The proposed technique has been tested under two scenarios viz., mobile brokers, fixed subscribers, and mobile brokers, mobile subscribers. The performance analysis has been carried out in terms of delay and packet delivery ratio with fixed broker conditions.

Cite this Research Publication : Snowlin Preethi Janani, Immanuel JohnRaja Jebadurai, Getzi Jeba Leelipushpam Paulraj, Jebaveerasingh Jebadurai, S. Durga, Preparedness for managing pandemic using distributed mobile brokers – Using COVID 19 use case, Materials Today: Proceedings, 2022.

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