Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : SSRN
Url :
Campus : Kochi
School : School of Medicine
Department : Biostatistics
Year : 2024
Abstract : Objective:This study aims to determine the oncological outcomes of Stage IVB (FIGO 2009) Endometrial cancer patients and its comparison with the new (FIGO 2023) staging . Methods:A Retrospective analysis was conducted between May 30, 2011, to December 30, 2020 on all patients with stage IVB (FIGO 2009 Staging) endometrial cancer. Overall survival (OS) was the primary outcome. Progression-Free Survival (PFS) and comparison with new staging FIGO 2023 were the secondary outcomes. Results:Fifty-one patients with Stage IVB endometrial cancer (2009 FIGO Staging) were included. Median age was 68 years. Serous histology was found in 24 (47.1%) patients. After a median follow-up period of 24 months, median OS was 24 months and median PFS was 15 months. FIGO 2023 staging criteria reclassified the stages of 23 patients (45%). Patients were restaged into Stage IIIB2 (9.8%), IVA (5.8%), IVB (55%) and IVC (29.4%). Restaging led to improvement in median OS and PFS for stages IIIB, IVA and IVB patients. Median OS and PFS were not reached for stages IIIB and IVA while it was 47 months and 18 months for stage IVB respectively. However, patients with stage IVC had lower median OS and PFS of 10 months and 4 months respecitvely. Conclusion:The clinical outcomes of patients with Stage IVB are varied depending mainly on the disease distribution. Patients with abdominal or pelvic disease had better survival outcomes and therefore needed a different catgorization. Thus, FIGO 2023 Staging takes into account this varied disease distribution, and appears to be a better prognostic indicator for this group.
Cite this Research Publication : Garg, Monal and Bhati, Priya and CA, Pranidha Shree and M Jose, Wesley and VS, Sheejamol and Pavithran, Keechilat, Our Experience with Stage IVB Endometrial Cancer in a South-Indian Population: A Comparative Analysis Using FIGO 2009 and FIGO 2023 Staging. Available at SSRN: