Publication Type : Journal Article
Source : Symmetry
Url :
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Year : 2024
Abstract : Boolean functions are fundamental building blocks in both discrete mathematics and computer science, with applications spanning from cryptography to coding theory. Bent functions, a subset of Boolean functions with maximal nonlinearity, are particularly valuable in cryptographic applications. This study introduces a novel equivalence relation among all Boolean functions and presents an algorithm to generate bent functions based on this relation. We systematically generated a collection of 10,000 bent functions over eight variables, all originating from the same equivalence class, and analyzed their structural complexity through rank determination. Our findings revealed the presence of at least five distinct affine classes of bent functions within this collection. By employing this construction, we devised an algorithm to generate a filter function capable of combining Boolean functions. This filter function can be dynamically adjusted based on a key, offering potential applications in symmetric cipher design, such as enhancing security or improving efficiency.
Cite this Research Publication : Joseph Nelson, Chungath Srinivasan, Anand R. Nair, Lakshmy Koduvayur Viswanathan, Generating Bent Functions and Dynamic Filters: A Novel Equivalence-Based Approach, Symmetry, 16(11), 1501, 2024.