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Data Preprocessing and Classification for Traffic Anomaly Intrusion Detection using NSLKDD Dataset

Publication Type : Journal Article

Source : Cybernetics and Information Technologies

Url :

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Physical Sciences

Department : Mathematics

Year : 2018

Abstract : Network security is essential in the Internet world. Intrusion Detection is one of the network security components. Anomaly Intrusion Detection is a type of intrusion detection that captures the intrinsic characteristics of normal data and uses it in the detection process. To improve the performance of specific anomaly detector selecting the essential features of data and generating a good decision rule is important. The paper we present proposes suitable feature extraction, feature selection and a classification algorithm for traffic anomaly intrusion detection in using NSLKDD dataset. The generated rules of classification process are initial rules of a genetic algorithm.

Cite this Research Publication : L. Gnanaprasanambikai, Nagarajan Munusamy“Data Preprocessing and Classification for Traffic Anomaly Intrusion Detection using NSLKDD Dataset”, in Free and Open SCI and SCOPUS Indexed Journal, “Cybernetics and Information Technologies”, PRINT ISSN:1311-9702, Vol. No.3, 2018.

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