Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Medical Joural Armed Forces Inda
Source : Medical Joural Armed Forces Inda
Url :
Campus : Kochi
School : School of Medicine
Department : Department of Community Medicine
Year : 2022
Abstract : Background: Studies among type 2 diabetes mellitus patients have reported total caries experience; however the severity and clinical consequences of untreated dental caries are often ignored. Methods: For this study, 150 well (I) and poorly controlled (II) diabetic participants were recruited. The spectrum of caries was evaluated using DMFT (Decayed, Missing and Filled Tooth) index, Dental Caries Severity Classification Scale, PUFA (Pulpal involvement, Ulceration, Fistula and Abscess) index, RCI (Root Caries Index) and the severity of radicular caries by Root Surface Caries Severity Index. Results: The prevalence of coronal and root caries was 90.7% and 23.3%, respectively. There was significant difference among caries experiences for D, M and DMFT. In group II, severity of coronal caries and mean rank of P, F, A and PUFA scores were higher, so were prevalence of root caries and severity of RD2, RD3 and RD4. HbA1c level had positive correlation with DMFT and PUFA scores (r = 0.458 and 0.522), so was the duration of diabetes with coronal caries, DMFT, PUFA score, root caries and RCI score (r = 0.235, 0.320, 0.273, 0.308 and 0.323). Conclusion: This is probably the first study to examine the severity of coronal caries, prevalence of untreated dental caries and severity of radicular caries in diabetic patients. Uncontrolled diabetes causes substantial increase in prevalence and severity of coronal and radicular caries.
Cite this Research Publication : Varughese A, Paul T Francis et al., Prevalence and severity of coronal and radicular caries among patients with type diabetes mellitus: A cross sectional study, Medical Joural Armed Forces Inda