Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Springer Nature Link
Source : In: Wireless Personal Communications
Url :
Campus : Coimbatore
Center : TIFAC CORE in Cyber Security
Department : TIFAC-CORE in Cyber Security
Year : 2021
Abstract : This article proposes a hybrid certificateless signcryption scheme that is secure against adaptive chosen ciphertext adversary in the random oracle model. The scheme combines an asymmetric encryption which is one way against chosen plaintext attack and any One-Time secure symmetric encryption scheme, combined using Fujisaki–Okamoto transformation. Uncommon to many Fujisaki–Okamoto based constructions which ensure message integrity alone, this scheme provides entity authentication in addition. By the choice of a hash function that utilizes the advantage of sponge based construction, the scheme enables the user to incorporate any One-Time secure symmetric encryption by re-configuring the input/output parameters. Fujisaki–Okamoto transformation, which is currently a standard in hybrid constructions, guarantees the indistinguishability against adaptive chosen ciphertext attack. The provision for choosing symmetric encryption in the scheme enables it to be implemented in all sort of cryptographic requirements including those in wireless communication.
Cite this Research Publication : S S Aravind Vishnu, I Praveen, and M Sethumadhavan. “An IND-CCA2 secure certificateless hybrid signcryption”. In: Wireless Personal Communications 119.4 (2021), pp. 3589–3608.