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Road traffic sensitive routing forefficient waste collection by leveraging varying traffic patterns

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Measurement: Sensors

Source : Measurement: Sensors,Volume25,2023,100607

Url :

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Physical Sciences

Department : Mathematics

Year : 2023

Abstract : Urban Traffic flow is one of the major problems at peak hours, including large stationary vehicles. Occupying the roads during such hours can be unsafe troublesome for motorists and workers. We taken the case of everyday waste collection process and propose a system which analyses the traffic patterns along with the locations. Based on the traffic, distance to the stop and bin capacity for analyses the dynamic traffic patterns at various places, we optimally assign a time by making it easy for both motorists and workers for safe and hassle-free commute with the help of a routing Algorithm. By using this algorithm, the whole process can be tracked and inspected via app and also sends an intimation message to public map applications. Large trucks can cause traffic, so commuters can simply figure out which routes to avoid. Hence it saves time for the people in enhancing the road safety.

Cite this Research Publication : S. Subburaj, S. Suresh, S. Balaji, Vikas Rao Naidu, M. Saranya, Road traffic sensitive routing forefficient waste collection by leveraging varying traffic patterns, Measurement: Sensors,Volume25,2023,100607

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