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Course Detail

Course Name Pharmacology Practical II
Course Code MPL207P
Program M. Pharm. Pharmacology
Semester 2
Credits 6
Campus Kochi


List of Experiments:

  1. To determine the unknown sample’s strength by multiple-point bioassay using suitable tissue preparation.
  2. Estimation of PA2 values of various antagonists using suitable isolated tissue
  3. Drug absorption studies using the everted sac model (3 nos).
  4. In vitro drug metabolism using liver
  5. Serum biochemical (cardiac, liver, renal and lipid profiles), hematological and urine (sodium/potassium/urea) analysis.
  1. Alternative methods for drug toxicity
    1. In Silico Toxicity Predictions
    2. Cell Culture Models
    3. Animal tissue Models
  2. Protocol design for clinical (3 Nos.)
  3. Design of ADR monitoring
  4. ADR reporting
  5. Ligand design, drug Likeness, molecular modelling and In-silico docking (2 Nos.)
  6. Exploring Poly pharmacology and network-based target prediction using Network
  7. In-silico QSAR


The course encompasses a comprehensive exploration of diverse pharmacological and pharmaceutical aspects through a series of hands-on experiments. Students will engage in in-vitro bioassays, gaining practical insights into evaluating the biological activity of drugs at the tissue level. Blood and urine analysis techniques will be used, allowing students to learn about biomarker identification and quantification, which will help them assess drug safety and efficacy.

The curriculum will also include drug absorption and metabolism studies, which will provide a practical understanding of how pharmacological substances cross biological barriers and reach the bloodstream and get metabolized. The module integrates drug designing tools like molecular docking, empowering students to apply computational approaches in predicting drug-receptor interactions and optimizing molecular structures. This multifaceted module not only enriches theoretical knowledge but also equips students with essential practical skills for a comprehensive understanding of drug development processes.

Objectives and Outcomes


K1 : Describe common laboratory techniques and assays used in in-vitro pharmacology research.

K2 : Identify in-vitro bioassay techniques and their applications in assessing the biological activity of drugs.

K3 : Illustrate the impact of biological barriers on drug absorption and metabolism.

K4 : Criticize the importance of estimating blood and urine biomarkers for evaluating drug safety and efficacy.

K5 : Discuss various methodologies used to assess the genotoxic effects of drugs

K6 : Justify the role of computational approaches to predict drug-receptor interactions.


S1 : Design experiments to assess the biological activity of drugs in isolated tissue/organ system.

S2 : Select appropriate tissue/organ models for evaluating the biological activity of drugs.

S3 : Perform biomarker identification and measurement for evaluating drug safety and efficacy.

S4 : Design and conduct drug absorption and metabolism studies

S5 : Propose new strategies for improving drug binding affinity using computational approaches.

S6 : Analyze molecular dynamics to model and predict the nature of biomolecules and drug interactions.


A1 : Develop a positive attitude toward ethical research practices.

A2 : Cultivate an awareness of the importance of safety in pharmacological research.

A3 : Promote collaborative and interpersonal skills.

A4 : Adopt environment friendly practices in pharmacological research.

A5 : Embrace a collaborative and open-minded attitude.

A6 : Promote scientific integrity and honesty.

Text Books / References

Reference books

  1. M N Ghosh, Fundamentals of experimental Pharmacology, Hilton and company, Kolkata, 2019
  2. K.Kulakarni, Hand book of Experimental Pharmacology. Studium Press (India) Pvt. Ltd, 2020
  3. Atta-ur-Rahman, Iqbalchoudhary and William Thomsen, Bioassay Techniques for Drug Development, Ist Ed, CRC Press London; 2001
  4. Younggil Kwon, Handbook of Essential Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics and DrugMetabolism for Industrial Scientists, Springer Nature:2002
  5. Sun Hongmao, A Practical Guide to Rational Drug Design, Ist Ed, Elsevier, 2015
  6. Palanisamy Sivanandy, Mrs. Sumathy Arunachalam, A Textbook on Assessment, Monitoring, Documentation and Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions, Ip Innovative Publication Pvt Ltd, India 2020.


  1. Drug Discovery Today
  2. Nature Chemical Biology
  3. Current Drug Targets

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