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Course Detail

Course Name Medical Writing in Healthcare and Research
Course Code MPL205T
Program M. Pharm. Pharmacology
Semester 2
Credits 2
Campus Kochi


Unit 1
Introduction to Medical Writing

5 Hours

  1. Definition and Scope of Medical Writing: Understanding medical writing: Definition, importance, and applications, Overview of the roles and responsibilities of medical (2 hrs)
  2. Introduction to Different Types of Medical Documents: Types of documents: Research articles, clinical trial reports, and medical communications. (3 hrs)
Unit 2
UNIT II: Types of Medical Documents

12 Hours

  1. Scientific Manuscripts: Research Articles (structure, key components, writing tips), Reviews (types, purpose, writing strategies), Case Reports (format, presenting a case, writing guidelines). (8 hrs)
  2. Clinical Trials: Protocols (purpose, structure, essential elements), Study Reports (components, writing, presentation). (4 hrs)
  3. Drug Development and Patents: Preclinical Reports (content, structure, purpose), Safety Reports (key elements, writing standards, reporting guidelines), Patent Applications (key components, writing strategies, requirements), Patent Drafting (techniques, drafting claims, ensuring legal standards). (4 hrs)
Unit 3
UNIT III: Medical Writing Tools

8 Hours

  1. Reference Management: Tools and techniques for managing references efficiently. (1 hr)
  2. Text Editing & Formatting: Best practices for editing and formatting medical (2 hrs)
  3. Plagiarism Detection: Tools and strategies for detecting and avoiding (1 hr)
  4. Statistical Analysis: Basics of statistical analysis relevant to medical (1 hr)
  5. Data Visualization: Creating effective charts, graphs, and visual (1 hr)
  6. Collaboration & Project Management: Tools and methods for managing writing projects and collaboration. (1 hr)
  7. Manuscript Submission: Process and tips for successful manuscript (1 hr)
Unit 4
UNIT IV: Effective Publishing Strategies

5 Hours

  1. Selecting Appropriate Journals: Criteria for journal selection and understanding journal scopes and audiences. (1 hr)
  2. Manuscript Preparation and Formatting: Adhering to journal guidelines and formatting requirements. (1 hr)
  3. Crafting Clear Introductions and Objectives: Writing compelling introductions and setting clear objectives. (1 hr)
  4. Presenting Results with Clarity: Organizing and presenting results (1 hr)
  1. Developing a Thorough Discussion: Writing a comprehensive and insightful discussion section. (1 hr)
  2. Writing Concise Abstracts and Cover Letters: Crafting effective abstracts and impactful cover letters. (1 hr)


This course offers a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental principles and practices of medical writing. Students will gain a thorough understanding of the various types of medical documents, including scientific manuscripts, clinical trial reports, and medical communications. The curriculum emphasizes the preparation and structuring of these documents, with a focus on adhering to established guidelines and standards. Key topics include the crafting of clear and concise abstracts, the development of detailed clinical trial plans, and the creation of effective medical communications that convey complex information accurately. The course will also cover the nuances of formatting, referencing, and ensuring compliance with publication requirements.

In addition to foundational knowledge, the course aims to provide practical skills and strategies for effective publishing. Students will learn about the selection of appropriate journals, the submission process, and the revisions required to meet publication standards. By engaging in hands-on activities and case studies, students will develop the ability to produce high-quality medical documents that meet professional and ethical standards. The course fosters an environment of continuous improvement and encourages students to stay updated with advancements in medical writing tools and techniques. Overall, the program is designed to prepare students for successful careers in medical writing and to inspire ongoing exploration and research in the field.

Objectives and Outcomes


K1: Define the concept and scope of medical writing.

K2: Identify and differentiate types of medical documents, including scientific manuscripts, clinical trial documents, and medical communications.

K3: Analyse guidelines and standards applicable to medical writing.

K4: Evaluate the effectiveness of medical writing tools, such as reference management, text editing, and plagiarism detection.

K5: Develop effective publishing strategies, including journal selection and manuscript preparation.


S1: Write various medical documents, such as research papers, clinical trial plans, and medical communications.

S2: Edit documents to fit journal requirements and submission standards.

S3: Develop clear abstracts, cover letters, and parts of scientific manuscripts.

S4: Employ medical writing tools for managing references, creating charts, and formatting text.

S5: Follow medical writing guidelines to produce high-quality and compliant documents. S6: Analyze scientific literature and research papers to enhance medical writing quality.


A1: Value best practices in medical writing.

A2: Approach the preparation and submission of medical documents with care and proactivity.

A3: Prioritize clarity, accuracy, and adherence to guidelines in writing.

A4: Commit to ongoing improvement of medical writing skills.

A5: Participate in peer reviews and teamwork to enhance document quality.

A6: Stay updated with new tools and methods in medical writing.

Text Books / References

Reference Books
  • Taylor, B. (2022). Medical Writing: A Guide for Clinicians, Educators, and Researchers. Wiley.
  • Alley, (2018). The Craft of Scientific Writing. Springer.
  • Day, A., & Gastel, B. (2020). How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper (9th ed.). Cambridge University Press.
  • Strunk, , Jr., & White, E. B. (2000). The Elements of Style (4th ed.). Pearson.
  • Hofmann, H. (2021). Scientific Writing and Communication: Papers, Proposals, and Presentations. Oxford University Press.
  • Moore, J. M. G. (2019). Medical Writing: A Guide for Scientists. Routledge.
  • University of Chicago (2017). The Chicago Manual of Style (17th ed.). University of Chicago Press.
  • Midgley, J. (2021). Writing for Biomedical Publication. Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Searle, J. K. (2019). Biomedical Writing: A Guide to Scientific Communication for Researchers and Clinicians. Springer.
  • McFarland, S. C. (2018). Principles of Medical Writing: A Practical Guide. Academic
Useful Websites
  1. American Medical Writers Association (AMWA):
  2. European Medical Writers Association (EMWA):
  3. International Society for Medical Publication Professionals (ISMPP):

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