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Course Detail

Course Name Intellectual Property Rights in Pharmaceutical Research
Course Code MPL105T
Program M. Pharm. Pharmacology
Semester 1
Credits 2
Campus Kochi


Unit 1

Unit 1: Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights 8 hours

  • Concept of Intellectual Property Right
  • The World Intellectual Property Organization
  • Intellectual property protection (IPP) and intellectual property rights (IPR)
  • Economic importance, mechanisms for protection of intellectual property-patents, copyrights, trademark
  • Factors affecting choice of IP protection
  • Penalties for violation
  • Role of IPR in pharmaceutical industry
  • Global ramifications and financial implications
Unit 2
  • The Patents Act 1970
  • The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2002 and The Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005
  • Rationale of Patent & License, Application for Patents, Rights of Patentee
  • Compulsory Licenses, Surrender and Revocation of Patents, Infringement of Patents, Amendments
  • Registration of Lapsed Patents, Patent Agent
  • Overview of global patents and US
  • Indian Copyright Law and digital technologies-Beme convention, WIPO copyright treaty (WCT), WIPO performance and Phonogram Treaty (WPPT)
Unit 2: Patent Filing 15 hours
  • Precautions before patenting-disclosures / non-disclosures, publication-article / thesis
  • Prior art search-published patents, internet search patent sites, specialized services-search requests, costs
  • Patent application-forms and guidelines, fee structure, time frames, jurisdiction aspects
  • Types of patent applications- provisional, non-provisional, PCT and convention patent applications
  • International patenting-requirement procedures and costs
  • Financial assistance for patenting- introduction to schemes by NRDC and TIFAC
  • Publication of patents-gazette of India, status in Europe and US
  • Patent annuity; Patent attorneys-technical aspects, criteria for selection, addresses, fee, rights and responsibilities of a patentee
  • Practical aspects regarding maintaining of a PATENT FILE
  • Patent infringement- meaning, scope, litigation, case studies and examples
  • Patenting by research students, lecturers and scientists University / organisational rules in India and abroad
  • Thesis research paper publication, credit sharing by workers, financial incentives
  • Useful information sources for patents related information-internet sites and periodicals
  • Significance of copyright protection for researchers
  • Protection for computer data bases, multimedia works


SCOPE: The subject helps to familiarize students in IPR policies, management style and strategies in Pharmaceutical Industry. This subject makes the students understand IPR as a concept and the different forms of IPR. The course would be more of informative in nature to help the students appreciate the whole idea of protecting human labour through exclusive rights in the form of intellectual property rights.

The subjects cover the regulatory aspects, and the detailed process involved in patent filing. It motivates the students to pursue patent-oriented research and to help them to generate interest in the subject for further research.

Objectives and Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, the student shall be able to:


K1: Explain the concept of intellectual property rights.

K2: Explain the significance of copy right protection in research

K3: Describe the process involved in filing a patent. K4: Discuss the rules and regulations of patenting. K5: Discuss the technical aspects of patent filing.

K6: Integrate the knowledge of the IPR for the preparation and filing a patent


S1 : Identify the type of patent applications required for specific research projects

S2 : Identify the shortfalls in a rejected patent application

S3 : Identify proper financial assistance for patenting

S4 Execute literature search of prior arts.

S5 Develop a draft for patent application

S6 : Recommend the need of patent in specific research


A1 : Appreciate the ethical considerations in research

A2 : Foster a proactive and inquisitive attitude towards scientific inquiry

A3 : Emphasizing the importance of teamwork and effective communication skills

A4 : Promote a passion for innovation

A5 : Develop interest in patent-oriented research

A6 : Embrace the newer advancements in the healthcare

Course outline:

Text Books / References


Journal of Intellectual Property Rights (JIPR): NISCAIR,


  1. Cell for IPR Promotion and Management (
  2. World Intellectual Property Organisation (
  3. Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trademarks (

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