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Course Detail

Course Name Advanced Pharmacology- I
Course Code MPL102T
Program M. Pharm. Pharmacology
Semester 1
Credits 3
Campus Kochi


Unit 1
UNIT 1 7hours

Introduction to molecular signaling in CNS

  • Dopamine signaling (1 h)
  • GABA, and glycine signaling (1 h)
  • Glutamate signaling (1 h)
  • Local mediators in neurotransmission (1 h)
  • Adenosine Signaling (1 h)
  • Non-adrenergic non-cholinergic transmission (NANC). Co-transmission (2 hrs)
Unit 2
UNIT -II Neuronal signalling in homeostasis and dysfunctions 7 hours

  • Synaptic plasticity and (2 hrs)
  • Neuro-inflammation (1 h)
  • Free radicals in neurodegeneration pathways specific to;
    • the autophagy–lysosome pathway, and mitochondria (2 hrs)
  • Protein seeding, propagation of stress granules, synaptic toxicity and network (2 hrs)
Unit 3
UNIT III-Neuro Pharmacology 7 hours

  • General and local anaesthetics (2 hrs)
  • Sedatives and hypnotics (1 hr)
  • Anxiolytics and Antidepressants (2 hrs)
  • Antipsychotics and Antimaniacs (2 hrs)
Unit 4
UNIT IV- Pharmacology of Neurodegenerative disorders and Pain 7 hours
  • Antiepileptics (2 hrs)
  • Drugs for managing Parkinson’s disease (1 hr), Alzheimer’s disease (1 hr), and Multiple Sclerosis (1 hr)
  • Narcotic and non-narcotic (2 hrs)
Unit 5
UNIT V-Cardiovascular Pharmacology 8 hours
  1. Diuretics and antihypertensives (2 hr)
  2. Anti-ischemics (1 hr), anti-anginals (1 hr), antiarrhythmics (1 hr)
  3. For heart failure (1 hr), Stroke (1 hr), and (1 hr)
Unit 6
UNIT VI-Miscellaneous 9 hours

Blood-forming agents (1 hr), coagulants (1 hr), anticoagulants (1 hr), fibrinolytics (1 hr), and antiplatelet drugs (1 hr)

Pharmacology of antihistamines (1 hr), 5HT modulators (1 hr) Antiulcer drugs (1 hr), GI modulators (1 hr)


The course aims to comprehend the cellular and molecular basis behind the use of drugs in current clinical practice and how they interact with the human body. Knowledge of pharmacology can contribute to the development of new medications by studying the effects of drugs on cells, tissues, and organisms. It helps to explore novel potential therapeutic targets, design and synthesize new compounds, and assess their safety and efficacy. It provides knowledge of drug-receptor interactions, signal transduction pathways, and the impact of drugs on physiological processes to understand their mechanisms of action.

The course offers insights into how drugs are processed by the body, including factors such as bioavailability, drug clearance, and drug-drug interactions. It also emphasis the safety of medications, identifies potential side effects, and determines appropriate dosage regimens to minimize adverse reactions. Besides, it imparts a better understanding of individual drug response variability, the relevance of chrono pharmacology, pharmacogenetics, and drug interactions, and guides dose and drug selection. Additionally, it helps in pursuing careers in academia, conducting research to expand knowledge in pharmacology.

Objectives and Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, the student shall be able to:


K1: Enlist the possible novel drug targets in various pathological conditions.

K2: Describe the mechanism behind the action, ADR and off label use of drugs K3: Relate the role of free radicals in pathogenesis of various disease or disorders K4: Explain the drugs impact on intracellular signalling pathways.

K5: Justify the role of biological rhythms in drug effectiveness and timing.

K6: Rationalize the need of drugs in specific conditions


S1 : Decipher the role of drugs in altering signalling pathways to affect physiological processes.

S2 : Assess the safety profile of medications through identification and management of potential side effects.

S3 : Examine the rational use of clinically relevant drugs

S4 : Recommend better therapeutic alternatives in case of resistance or intolerance S5 : Interpret drug-drug interactions to avoid adverse effects and therapeutic failures. S6 : Evaluate scientific literature and research articles critically


A1 : Appraise the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in advancing pharmacological research and practice

A2 : Adopt a proactive approach to understand and mitigate drug-related side effects and interactions.

A3 : Foster a proactive and inquisitive attitude towards scientific inquiry

A4 : Express curiosity and openness to explore novel drug targets and therapeutic innovations

A5 : Embrace diversity in individual responses to medications, incorporating pharmacogenetic insights into practice

A6 : Adhere to the continuous process of learning.

Text Books / References

Reference Books:
  1. Laurence LB, Randa HD, Björn Goodman and Gilman’s The Pharmacological Basis of therapeutics. 13thed.McGraw Hill: New York; 2017
  2. Katzung BG, Kruidering HM, Trevor Basic & Clinical Pharmacology.15thed. McGraw-Hill Education: New York; 2019.
  3. James R, Rod F, Graeme H, Yoon KL, David, Humphrey Rang& Dale’s Pharmacology. 9thed.Churchill Living stone: Edinburgh Elsevier; 2020.
  4. Kharen Whalen. Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Pharmacology. 8thWolters Kluwer (India) Pvt. Ltd; 2022Lynn Wecker & Susan Ingram (Ed.) Brody’s Human Pharmacology.6th ed. Elsevier. 2018
  5. Eric J. Nestler, Steven E. Hyman, Robert C. Nestler, Hyman & Malenka’s Molecular Neuropharmacology: A Foundation for Clinical Neuroscience. 4th McGraw Hill Medical.2019.
  6. Vinay K, Abul KA, Jon Robbins&Cortan. Pathologic Basisof Disease.10thed.. Elsevier; 2020.
  7. Joseph T Di Piro, Gary C Yee, L Michael Posey, Stuart T Haines, Thomas D Nolin, Vicki Ellingrod. Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiological Approach, 11th McGraw Hill education; 2020.
  8. David E Principles of Pharmacology: The Pathophysiologic Basis of Drug Therapy.4thed. Wolter Kluwer; 2016
  1. Pharmacological Springer.
  2. Frontiers in
  3. European Journal of Elsevier.

  1. British Journal of Wiley.

  1. Current Research in Pharmacology and Drug Elsevier.

  1. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell
  2. Nature Reviews
  3. Nature Reviews
  4. Nature Reviews
  5. Nature Reviews
  6. Nature Reviews Gastroenterology &


  1. Clinical significance of drug interactions with CyP450 enzyme as inducers or
  2. Present a journal article dealing with the importance of drug-drug interaction with its clinical significance
  3. Importance of protein binding of drugs with its clinical significance
  4. Neuromuscular blockers and their therapeutics
  5. The physiological and pathological role of Histamine, Serotonin, Angiotensin, Kinins, Eicosanoids, Opioid peptides, adenosine and Substance P

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