Upon successful completion of the course, the student shall be able to:
K1: Implement the various pharmacoepidemiological methods
K2: Carryout the applications of pharmacoepidemiology and pharmacoeconomics in clinical settings
K3: Design the various pharmacoepidemiological outcome measures
K4: Generate the concept of risk in pharmacoepidemiology and different methods of measuring risk
K5: Modify the current pharmacoeconomic evaluation methods as per need.
K6: Differentiate the methods to measure outcomes in pharmacoecnomic studies
S1: Manage the time-risk relationship curves
S2: Categorize different types of cost analysis
S3: Articulate the updated vaccine safety guidelines
S4: Interface with Ad Hoc data sources and automated data systems
S5: Coordinate the surveys of drug use
S6: Grade the appropriate software in pharmacoeconomics
A1: Demonstrate to Pharmacoepidemiology qualitative and quantitative models
A2: Value cost-minimization analysis for two competing drug therapies.
A3: Develop the methodology of a published pharmacoeconomic evaluation to assess its applicability to a specific patient population.
A4: Exhibit budget impact model for a new treatment to predict its financial implications for a healthcare system.
A5: Cultivate an interdisciplinary perspective, enabling them to collaborate effectively with researchers.
A6: Display the advantages and limitations of randomized controlled trials versus observational studies in drug safety research.