Upon successful completion of this course, students shall be able to;
K1: Recall the essential components of a treatment chart, including patient demographics, medical history, medication details, and progress notes.
K2: Recognize the importance of patient-specific factors, such as age, allergies, and medical history, in tailoring medication counseling sessions to individual needs.
K3: Explain the rationale behind using the SOAP format in clinical case presentations.
K4: Distinguish between medications in different ABC classes.
K5: Articulate the information for patients using layman’s language and appropriate visual aids.
K6: Assess the rationale behind the use of updated treatment algorithms for the management of various diseases.
S1: Describe the key findings from treatment chart reviews
S2: Evaluate the impact of Clinical Pharmacist’s drug information responses on patient care outcomes
S3: Interpret complex laboratory data to assess patient health status and medication effectiveness.
S4: Apply ABC analysis in inventory control.
S5: Analyse potential challenges or ethical considerations in clinical study protocol.
S6: Implement effectively on medication adherence
A1 : Exhibit a proactive attitude towards identifying and addressing gaps to the improvement of overall patient care quality.
A2 : Cultivate a patient-centered attitude by actively involving patients in the decision-making process
A3 : Display commitment to ethical conduct by ensuring privacy, confidentiality and respecting the rights and dignity of patients.
A4: Embrace the value of continuous improvement by recognizing ABC analysis on medication usage patterns .
A5 : Develop an appreciation for the ethical importance of informed consent in research, recognizing its role in safeguarding participants’ autonomy, rights, and well-being.
A6: Respect for the diversity of genetic backgrounds and individual variations in drug metabolism