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Course Detail

Course Name Pharmacy Practice Practical I
Course Code MPP108P
Program M.Pharm Pharmacy Practice
Semester 1
Credits 6
Campus Kochi



  1. Perform the following activities for a given Patient profile:
    1. Treatment Chart Review
    2. Medication History Interview
    3. Patient Medication Counseling
    4. Lab Data Interpretations
    5. FARM analysis (Findings, Assessment, Resolution, Monitoring)
  2. Conduct systematic approach to answer the queries related to:
    1. Drug Information
    2. Poison Information
  1. Present clinical scenario in SOAP format (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan)
  2. Preparation of content with proper justification, for the inclusion of a medication in the hospital formulary
  3. Analyze and submit prescription auditing report of selected drug charts for a given clinical
  4. Conduct ABC Analysis of a given list of medications
  5. Design Patient information leaflet for a given disease
  6. Analyzing case scenarios on drug incompatibilities for intravenous drug admixtures
  7. Display the clinical trial documents:
  8. Investigational New Drug (IND) application
  9. Application form for Principal Investigator
  10. Certificate of Compliance form
  11. Financial agreement
  12. Application for approval of marketing a new drug
  13. Serious Adverse Drug Reaction reporting
  14. Preparation of SOPs for conducting Clinical trials:
  15. informed consent process
  16. blood sample collection
  • centrifugation and storage of samples,
  1. volunteers’
  2. Protocol preparation
  3. writing clinical study report
  4. Design a protocol for a given clinical study
  5. Prepare and submit Informed Consent Form (ICF) in English and the regional language


The Practical’s cover Clinical Pharmacy Practice, Pharmacotherapeutics-I, Hospital & Community Pharmacy, and Clinical Research, offering hands-on experience for the students. Students apply theoretical knowledge to patient care through analysing the Drug chart, conducting Patient medication interview and interpreting lab results towards patient safety. This involve study of patient cases, selecting tailored drug therapies, and managing various disease states and track and analyse the patient’s progress over time, including treatment efficacy, any issues encountered, and changes in health status.

Students can exhibit diverse healthcare roles, focusing on functioning of hospital Pharmacy, patient counselling and medication safety as per NABH norms. Students also trained to conduct the research process as per GCP standards, identification of CFR (Code of federation of regulations) forms, preparation of SOPs for conducting clinical studies and evaluate the design and implementation of clinical study protocols to ensure they meet ethical and scientific standards. Students gain expertise in study design, data collection and contributing to evidence-based decision-making in pharmaceutical practice. Overall, these practical’s enhance students’ abilities to optimize drug therapy, counsel patients, and collaborate effectively within healthcare settings.

Objectives and Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students shall be able to;


K1: Recall the essential components of a treatment chart, including patient demographics, medical history, medication details, and progress notes.

K2: Recognize the importance of patient-specific factors, such as age, allergies, and medical history, in tailoring medication counseling sessions to individual needs.

K3: Explain the rationale behind using the SOAP format in clinical case presentations.

K4: Distinguish between medications in different ABC classes.

K5: Articulate the information for patients using layman’s language and appropriate visual aids.

K6: Assess the rationale behind the use of updated treatment algorithms for the management of various diseases.


S1: Describe the key findings from treatment chart reviews

S2: Evaluate the impact of Clinical Pharmacist’s drug information responses on patient care outcomes

S3: Interpret complex laboratory data to assess patient health status and medication effectiveness.

S4: Apply ABC analysis in inventory control.

S5: Analyse potential challenges or ethical considerations in clinical study protocol.

S6: Implement effectively on medication adherence


A1 : Exhibit a proactive attitude towards identifying and addressing gaps to the improvement of overall patient care quality.

A2 : Cultivate a patient-centered attitude by actively involving patients in the decision-making process

A3 : Display commitment to ethical conduct by ensuring privacy, confidentiality and respecting the rights and dignity of patients.

A4: Embrace the value of continuous improvement by recognizing ABC analysis on medication usage patterns .

A5 : Develop an appreciation for the ethical importance of informed consent in research, recognizing its role in safeguarding participants’ autonomy, rights, and well-being.

A6: Respect for the diversity of genetic backgrounds and individual variations in drug metabolism

Text Books / References


  1. Roger C, Walker Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics. 5th ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone; 2012.
  2. Dipiro JT, Talbert RL, Yee GC, Matzke GR, Wells BG, Posner Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach. 11th ed. New York: Appleton & Lange; 2020.
  3. Machin D, Day S, Green S, Textbook of Clinical Trials. March 2005. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.
  4. Lee M. Basic Skills in Interpreting Laboratory Data. 6th ed. Bethesda: American Society of Health System Pharmacists; 2017.


  1. Clinical Medicine and Research (Marshfield Clinic Research Foundation)
  2. American Journal of Therapeutics (Wolters Kluwer)
  3. International journal of clinical practice (Wiley)

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