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Course Detail

Course Name Clinical Pharmacy Practice
Course Code MPP101T
Program M.Pharm Pharmacy Practice
Semester 1
Credits 3
Campus Kochi


Unit 1
UNIT I- Introduction to Clinical Pharmacy 3 hours
  • International and national scenario of clinical pharmacy practice 2hr
  • Definition, evolution and scope of clinical pharmacy
Unit 2
UNIT II- Daily activities of a clinical pharmacist 12 hours
  • Ward round participation
  • Drug therapy review
  1. Medication order review
  2. Chart endorsement
  • Clinical review
  1. Pharmacist interventions
  • Pharmaceutical care – FARM, CORE, PRIME, SOAP
    1. Patient medication counseling – stages, barriers, communication skills: verbal and non-verbal communications
    2. Applications in patient care services
  • Drug utilization evaluation
  1. Documentation of clinical pharmacy services
  2. Quality assurance of clinical pharmacy 1hr.
Unit 3
UNIT III- Patient Data Analysis and Clinical Pharmacy services: 7 hours
  • Patient Data & Practice Skills
    1. Patient’s case history
    2. Structure and significance in drug therapy management
  • Clinical Pharmacy services
    1. Pharmacovigilance, Haemovigilance, Materiovigilance
    2. AEFI
Unit 4

UNIT IV- Lab Data Interpretation 5 hours Complete Blood Count, Blood Chemistry, Liver Function Tests, Lipid Panel, Thyroid Function Tests, Renal Function Tests, Coagulation Panel, Serum Electrolytes, Inflammatory Markers, Urine analysis, Serum Iron Studies, Vitamin Levels, Immunological Tests, Allergy Testing, and Cardiac Markers.

Unit 5
UNIT V- Medicines & Poison Information Services 14 hours
  • Medicine Information Service
  1. Basic concept of medicine and poison information services
  2. Definition and need for medicine information service
  3. Systematic approach in answering medicine information queries


  1. Preparation of verbal and written responses
  2. Establishing a drug information 1hr.
  • Poison Information Service
  1. Definition, need, organization and functions of poison information Centre


  1. Various Poison Information resources
  2. Antidotes and clinical applications



  1. . Food poisonings
  2. Substance abuse (CNS stimulants, Opioids, CNS depressants, Tobacco)


Unit 6
UNIT VI – Precision Medicine 4hr.
  1. Principles of precision medicine
  2. Clinical impact of individual molecular and lifestyle variability
  3. Importance of studying genetic variation, and differentiation between a polymorphism & a mutation


The scope of clinical pharmacy is an integral part of healthcare, employing various strategies such as medication chart reviews and clinical reviews to monitor patients’ drug therapy. The students can ensure medication accuracy, identify drug interactions, and make dosage adjustments based on patient-specific factors. Elements of pharmaceutical care include thorough assessment, individualized care plan development, implementation, and continuous monitoring. Use of drug and poison information resources to provide evidence-based recommendations.

Students can demonstrate techniques for medication history interviews and patient counseling through clear communication and patient engagement. Managing drug- related problems involves identifying issues, assessing their severity, and implementing appropriate interventions. Students will effectively respond to drug information queries by critically appraising information and documenting responses accurately. Students can integrate their responsibilities in pharmaceutical care by collaborating with prescribers and patients. Effective communication with patients and healthcare professionals, along with maintaining ethical values and patient confidentiality, is important. Students can acquire skills in the importance of reporting drug-related problems and participate in ward rounds to resolve issues. Displaying sincerity, punctuality, and integrity in all activities, they strive to continuously improve clinical pharmacy services, ultimately enhancing patient care outcomes.

Objectives and Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students shall be able to;


K1: Demonstrate appropriate terms used in clinical pharmacy activities

K2: Explain the strategies for patients’ drug therapy monitoring through various daily activities of a clinical pharmacist.

K3: Identify the elements of pharmaceutical care and comprehensive patient care services

K4: Gain insights into various drug and poison information resources K5: Acquire the use of various laboratory values in diagnosing diseases K6: Analyze the contents for effective patient counseling


S1: Apply the techniques of medication history interview and patient counseling

S2: Optimize drug-related problems

S3: Interpret the laboratory results to aid in clinical diagnosis of various disorders

S4: Analyze the various techniques of responding to drug information queries

S5: Develop the various responsibilities of clinical pharmacist in pharmaceutical care S6:Evaluate a strategy for improving clinical pharmacy services in clinical departments


A1: Demonstrate the role of the pharmacist in liaison with prescribers and patients

A2: Communicate effectively with patients and other healthcare professionals

A3: Show ethical values in maintaining the confidentiality of patient information

A4: Exhibit the effective reporting of drug-related problems among healthcare professionals

A5: Display sincerity, punctuality, and integrity in all academic and nonacademic activities

A6: Cultivate the interdisciplinary approach in ward rounds to resolve drug-related problems

Text Books / References


  1. Wiffen P, Mitchell M, Snelling M, Stoner N, editors. Oxford handbook of clinical pharmacy. Oxford University Press; 2017.
  2. Mary Lee. Basic Skills in Interpreting Laboratory Data, 6th American Society of Health-System Pharmacists; 2017.
  3. G.Parthasarathi, Karin Nyfort-Hansen and Milap Nahata. A text book of Clinical Pharmacy Practice; Essential concepts and skills. 2nd edn. Orient Blackswan Pvt.Ltd;2012
  4. Robert J. Cipolle, Linda M. Strand, Peter C. Morley. Pharmaceutical Care Practice: The Patient-Centered Approach to Medication Management Services, 3rd Mc Graw- Hill;2012


  1. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy by Springer (
  2. Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy by Elsevier ( social-pharmacy)



  1. Discuss different types of poisons (drug poisons, metallic poisons, plant poisons, etc.) and their complications
  2. Explain the requirements for establishing a poison information Centre with analytical techniques
  3. Prepare some case studies on the calculation of electrolyte replenishes based on the dehydration grade of patients
  4. Assess and present the contribution of patient medication history interview in a change in patient drug therapy (individual experience of the student)
  5. Prepare drug utilization evaluation and reporting of selected drugs according to WHO norms
  6. Prepare case studies related to Poison Information Services
  7. Discuss the Military and emergency pharmacy
  8. Explain Social and administrative pharmacy
  9. Assess the Personalised and precision medicine
  10. Prepare Ambulatory Care Self-Assessment Program
  11. National List of Essential Medicines (NLEM)

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