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Course Detail

Course Name Advanced Organic Chemistry- II
Course Code MPC202T
Program M. Pharm. Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Semester 2
Credits 3
Campus Kochi


Unit 1
UNIT I – Green Chemistry 9 Hrs

  1. Introduction, principles of green chemistry
  2. Microwave-assisted reactions: Merit and demerits of its use, increased reaction rates, mechanism, superheating effects of microwaves, effects of solvents in microwave-assisted synthesis, microwave technology in process optimization, its applications in various organic reactions and heterocycles synthesis (6hrs)
  3. Ultrasound-assisted reactions: Types of sonochemical reactions, homogenous, heterogeneous liquid-liquid and liquid-solid reactions, synthetic applications (2 hrs)
  4. Continuous flow reactors: Working principle, advantages, and synthetic (1hr)
Unit 2
UNIT II- Chemistry of peptides 10 Hrs
  1. Coupling reactions in peptide synthesis (2hrs)
  2. Principles of solid phase peptide synthesis, t-BOC, and FMOC protocols, various solid supports and linkers: Activation procedures, peptide bond formation, deprotection and cleavage from the resin, low and high HF cleavage protocols, formation of free peptides and peptide amides, purification and case studies, site-specific chemical modifications of peptides (4hrs)
  3. Segment and sequential strategies for solution phase peptide synthesis with any two case studies (2hrs)
  4. Side reactions in peptide synthesis: Deletion peptides, side reactions initiated by proton abstraction, protonation, over-activation, and side reactions of individual amino acids. (2hrs)
Unit 3
UNIT III -Photochemical Reactions and Pericyclic Reactions 8 Hrs

Basic principles of photochemical reactions. Photo-oxidation, photo-addition, and Photo- fragmentation. (4hrs)

Pericyclic reactions: Mechanism, Types of pericyclic reactions such as cycloaddition, electrocyclic reactions, and sigmatropic rearrangement reactions with examples (4 hrs)

Unit 4
UNIT IV- Catalysis 10 Hrs

Types of catalysis, heterogeneous and homogenous catalysis, advantages and disadvantages

  1. Heterogeneous catalysis – preparation, characterization, kinetics, supported catalysts, catalyst deactivation, and regeneration, some examples of heterogeneous catalysis used in the synthesis of drugs. (4 hrs)
  2. Homogenous catalysis, hydrogenation, hydroformylation, hydrocyanation, Wilkinson catalysts, chiral ligands and chiral induction, Ziegler?Natta catalysts, some examples of homogenous catalysis used in the synthesis of drugs (3hrs)
  3. Transition-metal and Organo-catalysis in organic synthesis: Metal-catalyzed reactions (1hr)
  4. Biocatalysis: Use of enzymes in organic synthesis, immobilized enzymes/cells in organic (1hr)
  5. Phase transfer catalysis ?Theory and applications (1hr)
Unit 5
UNIT V- Stereochemistry & Asymmetric Synthesis 8 Hrs Preliminary Reading:
  1. Basic concepts in stereochemistry – optical activity, specific rotation, racemates and resolution of racemates, the Cahn, Ingold, Prelog (CIP) sequence rule, meso compounds, pseudo asymmetric centers, axes of symmetry, Fischer D and L notation, cis-trans isomerism, E and Z notation.
  1. Methods of asymmetric synthesis using the chiral pool, chiral auxiliaries and catalytic asymmetric synthesis, enantiopure separation, and Stereoselective synthesis with examples. (8 hrs)


The subject is designed to provide in-depth knowledge about advances in organic chemistry, different techniques of organic synthesis, and their applications to process chemistry as well as drug discovery. This course discusses the necessity of clean and sustainable technology as well as the application of green chemistry and introduces new synthesis concepts such as microwave and ultrasonic-assisted synthesis. Students will learn different methods of synthesizing organic compounds, including traditional approaches and emerging techniques like microwave and ultrasonic-assisted synthesis.

This course provides in-depth knowledge exploring the chemistry and synthetic strategies behind therapeutic peptides, which play a significant role in drug discovery and development. Delving into the concept of catalysis in organic reactions, the applications of homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis in the synthesis of drugs, and the utilization of biocatalysts and phase transfer catalysis in organic reactions. The reactions are carried out by light as a catalyst in photochemical reactions, and understanding pericyclic reactions, which are fundamental in organic synthesis.

Students will learn how the organic chemistry principles are applied in industrial processes, especially in pharmaceuticals, which is crucial. Students will delve into the synthesis of drug molecules and the optimization of chemical processes.

Objectives and Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course, the student shall be able to;


K1: Summarize the concepts and strategies of peptide synthesis.

K2: Discuss the trends and advances in organic synthesis and their application in drug discovery.

K3: Analyze various techniques of green chemistry and their application in organic synthesis.

K4: Apply the knowledge of chemistry, synthesis, and side reactions of peptides in drug discovery applications.

K5: Employ the applications of biocatalysis and phase transfer catalysis in organic reactions.

K6: Explain the applications of homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis in the synthesis of drugs.


S1: Identify the different types of organic reactions in the synthesis of drug molecules.

S2: Develop proficiency in planning and executing the synthesis of intermediates and organic compounds through the application of different synthetic routes tailored to specific target molecules.

S3: Assess the purity of synthesized compounds using suitable physicochemical methods.

S4: Gain hands-on experience in chromatographic separations and their interpretations.

S5: Design a strategy to synthesize peptides of therapeutic importance.

S6: Optimize reaction conditions and sequence to enhance overall synthetic efficiency and yield.


A1: Embrace a systematic learning process in the realm of organic reactions with an attitude of curiosity, perseverance, and methodical exploration

A2: Demonstrate a commitment to continuous learning and staying updated with advancements in the field of organic chemistry

A3: Approach organic reactions with a genuine interest in understanding their underlying principles and mechanisms.

A4: Participate in ongoing safety training sessions to stay informed about best practices for handling chemicals, operating equipment safely, and responding to emergencies.

A5: Conduct research with integrity, honesty, and respect for ethical principles.

A6: Encourage open communication and teamwork to address safety issues effectively.

Text Books / References


  1. J.Advanced Organic chemistry: Reaction, mechanisms and structure.4th ed.New York: John Wiley and Sons;2007.
  2. Morrison RT, Boyd Organic Chemistry. 6th ed. Delhi: Pearson Education Pvt. Ltd; 2003.
  3. Clayden Organic Chemistry: 1st edn.Warren and Woihers: Oxford University Press; 2001.
  4. Finar L. Organic Chemistry Vol I and II. 6th edn. ELBS; 1995.
  5. Mukharji M, Singh S.P, Kapoor R.P. Organic Chemistry Volume-II.3rd edn.Wiley Eastern Ltd: New Delhi;1993


European Journal of Organic Chemistry: Publisher Wiley letters Journal of Organic Chemistry: ACS Publishers Advanced Syntheses and catalysis; Publisher:Wiley

Organic and biomolecular chemistry Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry!recentarticles&adv



  1. Identify green chemistry-assisted reactions and compile examples of organic reactions that adhere to green chemistry principles.
  2. Prepare a chart that selects representative examples for each category of catalytic reactions and provides brief descriptions of the reactions, highlighting their significance in drug synthesis.
  3. Prepare a list of asymmetric synthetic methods using chiral pools or chiral auxiliaries, providing descriptions and key references for each method.
  4. Design synthetic schemes for the stepwise preparation of a tripeptide and tetrapeptide, considering appropriate protecting group strategies and coupling methods.

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