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Extent of Torrents and Chos in the Shiwalik region-an assessment using Remote Sensing techniques

Publication Type : Conference Proceedings

Source : In : Proceeding of workshop on Torrents menace: Challenges & opportunities

Campus : Amritapuri

School : School for Sustainable Futures, School for Sustainable Futures

Year : 1994

Abstract :

Cite this Research Publication : M.S. Rama Mohan Rao, S.C. Mohan, D. Dutta and L.M.Pandey (1994)., Extent of Torrents and Chos in the Shiwalik region-an assessment using Remote Sensing techniques. In : Proceeding of workshop on Torrents menace: Challenges & opportunities. May 7-8,1994. CSWCRTI, Chandigarh Research Center .

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